A Beautiful Trap by Ms. Lu Ying-Hsiu 盧盈秀 两位女大学生出去找兼职,却被欺骗。 Cast Gwen: Senior high school student Rita: Mom / Customer A Fanny: Waitress Ivy: Gwens friend David: Father / Customer B....
英语短剧剧本The Pocket MoneyCharacters: Narrator (N), Salesman(S), Dad (D), Maggie (M), Alice (A),Candy(C), Policeman (P)Preparation:学校布景,做糖果用桌及相关材....
第一部分 报幕员台词: W: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Both: 大家晚上好。 W: With the opening up of Sanya and the development of its tourism industry, English, as an international language, is b....
人物 Rick Jack Boss A Boss B A factory worker -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary The student, Rick, always wasted his money and bought plenty of l....
Cast Father: Ian Mother: Ellen Younger brother: Victor Older brother: David Friend: Jeff Clerk: weaber Narrator: Weaber --------------------------------------------------------------------------------....
5-6人.讲一个爸爸的烦人生活,忙的不可开交,来自工作、朋友、家人的压力。 Cast Tim Cao: Father Ann Huang: Mother Iris Cai: Kid Candy Cai: Caller Mike Dong: Neighbor Roly Ye: Grandfather -------------------....
6人.有趣的剧本,讲他们愚人节怎么整人的. 人物 Cecily: Sues boss Faith: Sues friend Jodie: Policewoman Sue: Sue Vicky: Guest Zoe: Sues friend -------------------------------------------------------------....
演员表: 西门吹雪 叶孤城 花满楼 king 旁白 道具:牛奶两袋,匕首一把,戒子一枚,纸屑若干。 第一幕:决战紫荆城之颠 旁白:A quiet villageiscoveredwithwhitesnow . Birdsaredancinginthecold . Amaniswalkingal....
Cast George Mancy Ken Tida Annie ---------------- Character descriptions: (G)George - He majors in Environment Science. His roommates are Ken and Tida. They have a bad relationship. He thinks happine....
ASIDE:Tom is a professional dentist, he graduated from California University. He didnrsquo;t like working in hospital, so he started dens hospital. First day,....
第一幕:喝酒 武松:Hello! I am Wu Song. The most handsome, the most famous, the most clever man in Liang Shan. I am going home to kill my sister in law Pan jinlian! She poisoned my brother. I told my ....
Angelas diary Summary: Two lovers are dead, but they still can not give up each other. The sad, haunted, romantic story of love will begin at the beautiful coastline of tears. Scene I I usually see a ....
ASIDE:Tom is a professional dentist, he graduated from California University. He didnrsquo;t like working in hospital, so he started dens hospital. First day,....
Act 1 地点:The backyard of Tangs house 人物:唐伯虎,祝枝山,仆人甲,仆人水 道具:文房四宝,鸡翅,2穿翅杈, 3桌子,1凳子,背景音乐 旁白:唐伯虎,于明宪宗成化六年庚寅年寅月寅日寅时出世,故名唐寅,又因....
人物:追星A, 追星B,追星C,明星,车主 旁白 经纪人 旁白:A girl is crazy about a star called Handsome+人名. Even when she is asleep, she can dream that man. A:(打哈欠),I need to go to bed, Im so slee....
旁白:Long long ago, there was a mirror in theforest. Many people came , telling their worries, problems, etc. to the mirror.But is that so? Letrsquo;s have....
角色分配: Doctor1=D1 Doctor2=D2 Patient1=P1Patient2=P2 Patient3=P3 Patient4=P4 正文对白(无旁白) D1、D2: Hello everyone,we are the psychology assistants of Zhejiang University. D1: We are responsibl....
(男): 天上的日月传颂着你, (女): 侗乡的山水传颂着你, (男): 侗乡的人民传颂着你, (合): 传颂着全国劳模杨柳英。 (男):杨柳英啊, (女):你与大山作伴, 你把工班当家。 (男):你虽然是芷江....
本幕出场人物介绍: 王老爷子:老党员,被人敬称大山党魂,溪流小学创始人,在溪流小学任校长40余年。退休后小学坍塌,把自己家院捐给学校。 曾孝民:90年毕业于溪流小学, 96年考入西安交通大学,2000年毕业后在上....