

ASIDE:Tom is a professional dentist, he graduated from California University. He didn’t like working in hospital, so he started dens hospital. First day, this hospital starts working.
December 21st, 2014
In the dens hospital
Tom: Hi, good morning.
Jerry: Good morning, doctor.
Tom: Yeah, what’s your name?
Jerry: I’m Jerry, nice to meet you!
Tom: I’m Tom, nice to meet you, too!
Tom: Next, what’s your matter?
Jerry: I feel bad, my tooth is very painful, and I can’t bear it!
Tom: Let me see your tooth, you should open your month and say”Ah”.
Jerry: Ah~~~
Tom: Yeah, your tooth is bad, I come to count it. One, two, three, four…Oh, my god, your tooth is very bad!
Jerry: Doctor, what should I do?
Tom: I think you should take your tooth, this is good idea.
Jerry: NO!!! That sound bad, I hate to take my tooth, it is very painful!
Tom: Oh, yeah. Although you dislike taking your tooth, you should take some medicine.
Jerry: That’s good, so what medicine should I take?
Tom: I see……(Tom翻药方书)You should take it(Tom指了指书).
Jerry: “Aspirin”?
Tom: Yeah~~~~
Jerry: How much is it?
Tom: You should take it for three days, you give me 107 dollars.
Jerry: Unh~~~although it is expensive, I should buy it.
Jerry: Here you are.
Tom: Yeah, this is your medicine, you should come here after 3 days.
Jerry: Thank you, doctor, goodbye.
Tom: Bye-bye.
After 3 days
December 24th, 2014
ASIDE: Three days is past. Jerry took some dens medicine, but Jerry felt his tooth is very painful, he had to come to this dens hospital.

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