W: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Both: 大家晚上好。
W: With the opening up of Sanya and the development of its tourism industry, English, as an international language, is becoming more and more important.
M: 随着三亚的对外开放,三亚旅游业的迅速发展,英语,作为国际语言,在三亚变得越来越重要。
W: The Government of the Sanya City calls on the whole city to learn English.
M: 三亚市委、市政府号召全市人民兴起了学习英语的新高潮。
W: Now, you can see everyone, men and women, young and old, learning English everywhere.
M: 如今,在三亚,您随处可见男男女女、老老少少都在学英语。
W: The granny in this skit is one example. How hard she tries to learn English!
M: 在这个小品中,您将看到老奶奶是多么努力地学英语。
Both: Let's enjoy the performance, “Modern Granny Learns English”.
(时间:星期六早晨 地点:新风路,一居民家)
Fang: (出场) My name is Fang Fang. I am a student of Sanya No.1 Middle School.
Granny: 芳芳,芳芳。
Fang: Oh, my granny is calling me. Do you know my granny? Everyone in our neighborhood calls her "Modern Granny". She is learning English. She wants to learn English well. She wants to show foreigners the beautiful scenery of our city and tell them the interesting stories about the Li people.
Granny: (奶奶上。练读旅游英语300句 ) How do you do(好赌有赌) ? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油). Me, too. I can't speak Chinese(爱砍他死屁踩你死). Can(砍) you(油)speak English(英国历史)? Yes, a little(啊里头). What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? 这不,中国加入了WTO,2008年又要举办奥运会,人人都在学英语,我也要学English….. 芳芳,芳芳!
Fang: 来了,奶奶。
Granny: 我的乖孙女,你再听奶奶读一遍,看看还有什么地方读得不好。(读旅游 英语300句)How do you do (好赌有赌)? How do you do(好赌有赌)? Nice to meet you(奶死吐米油). Me,too. I can't speak Chinese.(爱砍他死屁踩你死). Can you speak English(砍油死屁英国历史)? Yes(爷死), a little(啊里头).What can I do for you(我砍爱读佛油)? (她边读边摇头晃脑,很自豪的样子)