

Boss A
Boss B
A factory worker
The student, Rick, always wasted his money and bought plenty of luxuries. But one day, he lost his wallet, and felt very worried . So he began to look for a job to earn his bread. After doing several hard jobs, he was frustrated, and therefore he understood earning money was really painstaking, and also understood cherishing what he had was extremely important.



Two students bring a lot of shopping bags, and run to the vender who sells drinks
Rick: (looking at Jack) The tea is tasted so great at this vender! Do you want to try it?

Jack: It sounds great! But I have already bought a lot today. (lifting up the bags) You see… So I have no money to buy anything else.
Rick: Come on! Don’t ruin my happy mood. Let me treat you! Excuse me, give me two drinks!
Vender: OK! Here you are. They are NT$60.
Rick: Hey! What smell is so great!? Let’s go to buy hamburgers.
Jack: …. (worried)



The alarm clock is ringing; Rick and Jack get up.

Jack: Good morning, Rick!
Rick: Hmmm… It’s time to eat breakfast. Let’s go!

Rick puts on his clothes and pants ,and wants to take out his wallet.

Rick: (very anxious) My wallet is disappeared! It should be in my pocket. Jack, do you see it?
Jack: No. It was still in your hand last night, wasn’t it?
Rick: Yes… But… I don’t know. Could you help me find it?
Maybe it is in the room.

Rick and Jack look for the wallet carefully in the room. But they don’t find anything.

Jack: I guess that you lost it at the night market.
Rick: Oh, my god! All my money is in the wallet. I can’t live without it!

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