

Doctor1=D1 Doctor2=D2 Patient1=P1Patient2=P2 Patient3=P3 Patient4=P4
D1、D2: Hello everyone,we are the psychology assistants of Zhejiang University.
D1: We are responsible to give an ear for you,our dear classmates, to share puzzles or disappointments you meet.
D2: Study, emotion, love, whatever in yourdaily life.
D1、D2: And we willprovide as much as we can to help you overcome the peak in your mind.
D1: You look so down, poor boy.
P1: I can’t believe that. (低声默念)
D1: Pardon me please. I will try to catchit this time.
P1: I can’t believe that! (大声嚷出)
D1: Got it.(低声无奈)But, what’s thematter with you? If you speak it out, it may be not as serious as you thought.
P1: But it really is. I have never imaginedthis shamed thing occurs to me and I have no dignity to face everyonesurrounding me. I’m not the focus of others anymore because my grades drop from4.9 to 4.8 this term.(双手抱头作绝望状)
D1: Oh, my goodness! I have to take back mywords; you are not a poor boy…(低声无奈)You know, I have only got once 4.0, while, in a math-class dream.(难为情)
P1: What a poor boy! (捂脸作无奈状)
D1: However, I still lead a happy life. Onething you must be clear is that marks are not the whole of your life and theremust exist something more meaningful. Put down those endless exercises and gooutside the tight classroom, maybe you’ll find another sky of college.
P1: I’ll take a risk. Thank you.
D1: Good luck to you. You need a new life.
D1: What’s your problem?
P2: I find myself useless.
D1: What happened? Maybe I can give you afavor.
P2: I noticed her at the first sight. Itried to know everything about her, her major; her hobby, her favorite song,but she never pays any attention on my…(沉默状)
D1: You mean your hidden love? Because younever talk to her!

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