武松:Hello! I am Wu Song. The most handsome, the most famous, the most clever man in Liang Shan. I am going home to kill my sister in law Pan jinlian! She poisoned my brother. I told my brother Pan jinlian was dangerous. But My brother still married her. (叹气,唉….跟音乐一起唱且跳舞)Dangerous, dangerous! The girl is dangerous.
武松(见到酒店一家):A restaurant! Good. I am hungry. (进屋坐下)Waiter! Wine! Wine! The best wine!
小二:Hi, sir. Sit down please. Would you like XO, Er Guo Tou, Mao Tai, or Qing Dao beer?
武松:(晕晕乎乎地)How much is the XO?
小二:1880 ( 展示大瓶酒,醒目的标价)。
武松:(面怒,片刻无语)Open the window please!Not the wine. I want some er guo tou! It’s strong enough.
[热门]新《水浒》 :You….You…..(敢怒不敢言, 转身倒碗二锅头),Ok. Here you are.
武松:Anything to eat?
小二:Would you like sandwiches, hamburgers, bread, or pizza?
武松:Ten pizzas, please.
小二: Here you are!
武松:(喝一口酒)Good wine, very good wine!
武松:I want more wine. Why not serve me?服务员!淘宝最有效的减肥药排行榜怎么不倒酒了?
小二:Sir, More pizzas OK, more wine no way! 客官,要比萨饼就给您,这酒就不添了。
武松:(生气) Why? I have money! (扔钱倒桌上)
掌柜:Look! (指着 “三碗不过冈”牌子)。This wine is very strong. One bowl, comfortable. Two bowls, can’t walk. Three bowls, drunk and fall!,(叫店小二示范) 喝一碗神清气爽,喝两碗保你浑身无力,喝三碗就立刻醉倒,最多喝保证你酒精中毒,命都没有了……
武松:(喝一口,挤笑)Who am i? Wu Song! Even 18 bowls is nothing for me. Give me wine!(咆哮,敲桌子) 不是我狂妄,这酒劲虽大,可我绝对是应付得了,就是喝上十八碗也只是漱口而已,倒酒