Father: Ian
Mother: Ellen
Younger brother: Victor
Older brother: David
Friend: Jeff
Clerk: weaber
Narrator: Weaber
This is a story about lottery. One day, Ian and Ellen are watching TV in the living room. David is sleeping in his room.
SceneⅠ: In the living room
Ian: The news is very boring.
Ellen: Huh, only about political issues very boring.
Ian: Yeah! It makes me annoyed.
Ellen: Well! How’s your business this month?
Ian: Not bad! Perhaps I can get promotion next month.
(Narrator: At that time, someone presses the buzzer of doorbell ring.)
Ellen: Dear, go to open the door.
Ian: Son, why do you come home so late? Do you know what time it is?
Victor: Oh! I’m sorry. I ate the dinner with my classmate.
Ellen: Don’t blame him.
Victor: Yeah! Mom~ I love you so much~
Ian: Ok! I always find faults with you.
Ellen: Wait! Your room is too dirty. Arrange your room today.
Victor: I want to arrange my room tomorrow.
Ian: Do whatever your Mom said.
Victor: I feel tired today. Mom ~ could I arrange my room tomorrow?
Ellen: No way! If you don’t arrange your room, you can’t get your allowance.
Victor: Oh! I’ll go to arrange my room soon.
Ellen: You are my good boy.
In the Victor’s room
(Narrator: Victor goes to his room reluctantly and arranges his room. Soon, when he arranges the books, he finds a notepaper. He looks at it and finds that it is a lottery. He takes the news paper to check lottery number……)
Victor: Wow! It is the first prize. Huh…, huh… I have to cash the lottery ticket.
Victor: But, now it is too late. I will cash it tomorrow.
Oh! I am a rich man!.
Ian: Have you arranged your room? If you finished it, go to take a bath.