


  Pig Guy has been defeated by Monkey King


  唐僧:I’m from the east ,go to the west,to seek for the scriptures.

  悟空:Master,are you tired.let’s have a rest```

  唐僧:I am fine.let’s have a rest later.(唐僧继续唱了一遍)

  悟空:Master,are you tired.let’s have a rest

  唐僧:I am fine.(唐僧继续唱)

  悟空:master,can you stop,.

  唐僧: I’m from the east ,go to the west,to seek for the scriptures.

  悟空:shut up,I can’t stand you any longer.I beg you stop!I feel mad!you are singing all the time!

  唐僧:Is like a noisy?

  悟空:No,it’s sweet sounding!But today I don’t want to listen music!So,please don’t sing!

  唐僧:Ok,go ahead!I am``(唐僧刚想唱,悟空回头,师停止)


  唐僧:Look! There is a house over there.

  悟空:really!let’s me have a look!


  悟空:Answer my master!there is a beauty and a old couple.

  唐僧:Knock the door!

  悟空:(空过去像土匪一样敲门)Open the door! (门没开,悟空回来)

  唐僧:You should be polite!like this````


  唐僧:Excuse me, sir. I am the monk from the east.(大声三遍,门房才开)


  Daddy, mommy, I, I …

  老头: Honey, hurry up. The spirit is coming soon.



  唐僧:Excuse me, sir. I am the monk from the east. Can we stay over here tonight?

  老头(做哽咽状):Oh, you are the monk from the east. Sure. Sure, come in, please ……别过脸去继续哭泣)


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