


  华夫人:Nonsense ['nɔnsəns]胡说;废话荒谬的. 胡说!, choose it!


  唐:Oh, my god. (做出挑选新娘的动作)(一准新娘身子动了动)

  l know it.(飞身将准新娘抱住)


  华文:Time's up.


  唐:On time. Qiu xiang(掀开准新娘的面具,竟然是石榴姐!)


  石榴:Tang tang!


  唐:Why is you?


  石榴:Now, everybody knows...you have drawn

  my picture secretly.

  How can l face other people? I'd better die.


  唐:That's good idea.


  石榴:Of course, you agree with this suggestion.

  As you want to die with me, like Romeo and Juliet.

  Damn you, l don't fall for you at all.


  唐:Shit! (唐伯虎狠狠把石榴推开)

  Let me die!


  众人:Kneel down, the wedding starts.


  唐:Qiu xiang?!



  华夫人:Qiu xiang, after so many tests,

  l believe Tong loves you wholeheartedly.

  Now, I’m glad to let him marry you.


  秋香:Thank you, Madam.


  众人:Wish you have today year after year!

  Year old of old has the present too!


  唐:Thank you, thank you!


  唐:Qiu xiang, passed through so many twists and turns, fortunately...


  秋香:We are getting married at last.






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