





  Act 1

  地点:The backyard of Tang’s house


  道具:文房四宝,鸡翅,2穿翅杈, 3桌子,1凳子,背景音乐




  仆人甲: Master, isn't one dish of soy enough?

  唐伯虎: Slowly, please.

  仆人甲: Many people come for your paintings, why don't you bother?

  唐: I have no mood to draw. Give them two more baskets of rubbish, that's it.



  Mr. Zhu.

  祝枝山:Ah, Brother Tong.

  唐伯虎:Hey, Brother Zhu.

  祝:Help, Brother Tong.

  唐:l think you must have lost all you money again.

  祝:You understand me so well.

  唐:Among the 'Four Scholars', everyone knows you love gambling.

  Having no money, to live comfortably', it is your motto, right?

  祝:You are flattering me! You're born to be a free-liver. In fact, you are much more luckier than me.

  唐: But... you lose so much money per every two days, and you come to seek help from me after losing money, l don't think l can help you forever.

  祝: Sure! Because of that, l tried to risk for the last time.

  But l lost the money which l could earn till my death.

  That's 300,000 taels.

  So, l have to beg you to draw 30 paintings...in order to save my life.

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