


  唐:l don't want, too.

  Why don't you be merciful ['mə:siful]仁慈的;慈悲的;宽容的

  buy me please.


  石榴:What a pity (怜悯同情遗憾)? We need a workman indeed, why not...



  惨人:l am poor, l want to sell myself to bury my whole family!




  惨人:Be merciful, my family died last night.

  l am sick withtuberculosis [tju:,bə:kju'ləusis] 肺结核;结核病too, why not buy me? May be, I’ll cut half price!


  秋香:He is miserable ['mizərəbl]悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的; why not buy him to be our workman?


  石榴:(哭)So, buy him.


  唐:Lady, first come first serve, l come first.


  秋香:lt's not a matter of priority [prai'ɔrəti]优先;优先权;优先次序;优先考虑的事.


  石榴:Leave It to me. He has to bury his whole family and you have to bury your dad only.

  l do want to help you, but it's difficult for me to buy two.


  唐:But, l am miserable too.


  石榴:Then show me how miserable you are.


  唐:Well, l...

  See how dirty are my fingernails?

  lt's miserable, right?



  惨人:(痛哭)Wong Cai, don't die! Don't die.

  You have followed me for a long time, you're so good to me.

  But l have never given y

  ousufficient [sə'fiSənt] 足够的;充分的 food.

  l am damn [dæm]可恶的 sorry.



  Watch out!

  (悲痛欲绝)Xiao qiang, how are you?

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