

  'There are many geese under the mountain.'


  文征明:'They rushed down to the river.'


  祝:'Let's roast a goose.'


  唐:'After roasting, you'd better go home for a screw.'


  三人:Good, very good. Very good!



  祝:There is something attractive.

  See, there is a beauty on the bridge. She seems to be lonely.

  Why not show us your talent about how to court a girl.

  To let us learn from you!




  周文斌:lt's the welfare for your friends, so?


  唐:l am glad to demonstrate it.





  如花:What's the matter? (一回头,竟是如花!)


  三人:Go, go...


  唐:May l put my head on your shoulder?


  如花:ls it OK? No, l am a girl, a decent girl.


  唐:l know, l want to make my friends happy, that's all.

  ln fact, l am Tong Pak-Fu.


  如花:So what?l don't know you.

  l will shout for help if you don't leave me alone.


  唐:How about paying you 1 tael?


  如花:1 tael? Who do you think l a.m.?

  Make it ten.


  唐:That's too expensive, why don't you rob?


  如花:Right, l am robber.

  Give me all your money.



  三人:What's wrong? (赶到桥上)What’s the matter?


  文征明:No need to punch her like that?


  唐:Robber! lt's a ladyboy!




  祝:l love it.

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