

Victor: Ok… I will go to take a bath right now.

In the living room

(Narrator: Victor puts the lottery ticket into the book and puts down the book on his desk. He leaves his room. And he goes to library. The door bell is ringing… David opens the door.)
Jeff: Hi~ is Victor at home?
David: He is not here. He went to the library.
Jeff: Oh! No. I want to borrow a book from him. (He is very anxious)
David: That’s OK! I can find the book for you. Please sit down.
Jeff: Thank you! I want to borrow a book that has an orange cover.
David: Ok! Wait a minute. I’ll go to Victor’s room and find it.
In the Victor’s room

(Narrator: After David entered Victor’s room, he finds the book on the desk. He is afraid that there is something in the book. So when he opens the book, he finds the special notepaper.)
David: What is it?
David: Wow! It is a lottery ticket. (He takes the newspaper to check the lottery number. He feels very surprised)
David: Wow… wow… it is the first prize. Huh… He wants to keep the money all to himself. I’ll hide it and make him nervous. (Then David puts the lottery into his pocket and goes out the room.)

In the living room

Jeff: Did you find it?
David: Is it?
Jeff: Yes, That’s it. Thank you so much.
David: You’re welcome.
Jeff: Please tell him that I borrowed the book.
David: Oh! I will. Bye.
Jeff: Thank you! Bye.
(Narrator: After two hours, Victor comes back and enters his room in the night. Suddenly, he runs out his room.)
Victor: David, have you seen my book on my desk?
David: Oh! Your friend borrowed it.
Victor: Well … oh! That’s OK!
(Victor calls on the cell phone. David is laughing at his back)
Victor: Hello! Jeff (Victor walks to the other side of the room.)

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