

David: Nothing…What time did you come back?
Victor: About 12 o’clock. . Dad and Mom said they wanted to go to bank to withdraw money. We have to prepare our lunch.
(Victor goes into the kitchen)
David: Why the lottery disappears? Oh~ Maybe Dad and mom saw it! Is it possible that…
(David goes to the bank in a hurry)

In the bank
(Narrator: David runs out of home towards the bank. As soon as he gets to the bank, he sees his parents go into the bank. He follows them into the bank. and peeps over their shoulders.)
Weaber: Hello, may I help you?
Ian: I want to cash this lottery ticket. I won the first prize.
Ellen: Not! “I”, it’s “We”. Sir, we won the first prize. (Angry)
Weaber: Ok. Let me check it.
Weaber: Sorry, sir. This is expired.
David: What?
Ellen: Hey, David. You scared me.
Ian: David! What are you doing here? Is it yours?
David: Mom, I’m sorry. This is not mine. It is Victor’s.
Ellen: It is expired. Why didn’t you throw it away?
David: Yeah~ I also thought that it was the first prize. .
Ian: Let’s go home to ask Victor. (Angry)

In the living room
David: Victor ~ Come here~ (Shouts out)
Victor: What happened? I’m eating lunch.
Ian: The lottery is yours, right?
Victor: My lottery~ it’s you took it. Where’s the money?
Ellen: There’s no money. It’s expired.
Victor: What?
David: It was expired. You still treat it as treasury. You’re so strange.
Victor: Me? I didn’t buy it. This is not mine.
Ellen: But who bought it?
(Narrator: They look at each other. Suddenly, Ian remembers it.)
Ian: I…I remember it. I bought it two months ago. Ha-ha~
Ellen: What?
David: What?
Victor: What?

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