

Jack: You may talk the thing with your parents. They will give the money you need.
Rick: It’s not a good idea. My parents will kill me if I ask for money again.
Jack: And how about your bank account? You have some money there…
Rick: I spent them last week…
Jack: (surprised) So, you are broke now!
Rick: You are right…
Jack: Gosh…
Rick: Well… we go to class first… It will be solved. Ha ha ha…


Jack sits on the chair. Suddenly, Rick brings a lot of newspapers , and comes to Jack.

Jack: You say you have an answer to solve the problem?
Rick: It is easy, ok? Look at these. I can find a part-time job , and earn
back the money I need.
Jack: Are you sure it’s easy to get a job?
Rick: Take it easy! Who I am! I have already made a phone call to a boss who needs workers. As long as I do my best, the money will come back to my pocket.
Jack: I hope so…



All the workers are working hard. Rick enters.
Rick: (to a worker) Excuse me, where is the boss? I come here for a job interview.
Worker: He is over there.(points to the man who wears high rank uniform)
Rick: (walking to the boss) Excuse me.
Boss A: Yeah?
Rick: I’m here about the job you advertised in today’s paper.
Boss A: (looks him over) You look like a student. Our work is very hard. Are you sure to join us?
Rick: Hey! Don’t belittle students. I am full of energy! You don’t need to worry about me.
Boss A: I know. O.k. You can start to work. Good luck!

Rick thinks that it is easy to get a job. He looks a little cocky. But he starts the jobs like carrying heavy package. It’s very hard. Poor Rick looks a little tired.

Rick: (a little angry) What a hard work it is! To do this! And to do that! The boss treats me as a superman? Or hoax me!?

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