

Teller: Yes, you can. But what money would you like to change, please?
Foreigner: Some U S D notes.
Teller: How much, please?
Foreigner: Two hundred dollars in all.
Teller: Please show me your passport and fill out this exchange memo in duplicate.
Foreigner: (填好 换水单) There, I've got them finished. And here is my passport.
Granny: (指护照问) What's this?
Foreigner: My passport.
Granny: 买怕死婆(My passport). 买怕死婆 (My passport).
Teller: Yes, everything is all right. Well, by the way, how would you like the money, Mr Smith?
Foreigner: I don't mind. Any kinds of denominations are OK.
Teller: Here you are, Mr. Smith. Your money comes to RMB¥1,654.
Foreigner: Thank you very much.
Teller: My pleasure.
Foreigner:Your service is good and your English is excellent.
Teller: I am very happy to hear you say so. Goodbye. And enjoy your stay in Sanya.
Foreigner: Goodbye.
Granny: Goodbye(骨德拜).
F: I want to go to some scenic spots.
G: 什么“搏”?
F: Scenic spots.(拿出词典指奶奶看 ) scenic spots.
G: 哦,是风景点。(想 了想)我带你go Luhuitou .
F: Luhuitou?
G: Yes. (指着300句鹿雕像的封面) Luhuitou。
F: Oh, it's a deer.
G: 对,对 Yes, yes, deer(爹),deer(爹)。(亮相)deer(爹)回头.
F: 爹回头?
F: Oh, a deer.
G: 我们到了。
Lg: Hello, welcome to Luhuitou Park.
F: Hello.
G: 姑娘,你给咱老外朋友讲一讲鹿回头的故事,好不好?
Lg: 好的。(对外宾)Have you ever heard the story of "luhuitou"?
F: A story? No.
Lg: This story is about a young man and a deer long long ago.
F: A young man and a deer.(指塑像) Do you mean the man and the deer here?
Lg: Yes. He was a hunter .
F: A hunter?
Lg: Yes. One day, the young man went hunting and found the deer.
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