Fang: 奶奶,什么“好赌有赌”,是“How do you do? ”。不是“英国历史”,是"English"。 是" Chinese",不是“踩你死”。跟我读。How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 不行,How do you do?(奶奶跟读) 好,再读 一 遍,(奶奶读)好,很好.I can't speak Chinese. Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读)再来,I can't speak Chinese.(奶奶跟读) 好的,再来。(奶奶读)Can you speak English?(奶奶跟读) 好,再练一下。
Granny: (练读两遍)好了,好了,不错了。(突然看见外宾路过)太好了!来了个老外!(站起,上前)Hello, (学外国人动作,伸开双手 ) How do you do? What can I do for you?
Foreigner: How do you do? I want to go to the bank. Where is the nearest one?
Granny : (急忙翻书)芳芳,他说的话在第几页?
Fang: 这本书上没有这句话。他想去银行。Bank----银行。(奶奶练习 bank )(芳芳对外宾) Hello, welcome to Sanya. You are going to the bank, aren't you? Go along this street, when you reach the traffic lights, turn left. There is a bank about one hundred metres ahead, on the left, just opposite the bus station.
Foreigner: Thank you very much. Your English is very good.
Fang: Thank you.
Granny: Hello, I 带 you go.
Fang: Excuse me, shall my granny take you there?
Foreigner: (对奶奶) Thank you. It's very kind of you.
Granny: (摇摇头) No thank you. No thank you. (外宾显出不大理解的样子) How do you do?
Foreigner: How do you do?
Granny: Nice to meet you.
Foreigner: Me too.
Granny: 你们瞧,我会跟老外对话了。(看书 ) I can't speak Chinese. Can you speak English?
Foreigner: (疑惑不解) Why, yes, of course.
Granny: No. No. 错了,you错了,看,在这呢。(指书上) “Yes, a little. What can I do for you?”(外宾明白了怎么回事,笑)
Foreigner: It's funny.
(来到银行) (解放路,汽车站对面)
Granny: Bank. Bank 到了。
Teller: Good morning. Welcome to our bank. Can I help you?
Foreigner: Good morning. Can I change foreign money in your bank?