

Legend of phoenix

Aside : This stage play was adapted according to an old story about a phoenix’ enjoyable experience in the beautiful water city of Liaocheng .The phoenix ,because she slyly drunk a glass of strong liquor in the heaven which was the tribute from the earth , was drove out from the heaven and fell on this enchanting place on the earth in an appearance of humanoid beauty .She would not return back until she found the same liquor.

Scene 1

Phoenix (soliloquy):Oh ,it was really a sound sleep .I dreamed of my mother and my sister , oh , I missed them so much . How can I return back .Yes , I have to search for the liquor , that fragrant and strong liquor . If I find it and drink the same amount . I will get my colorful plume and fly back to my heavenly home , and see my mother and sister . But…where am I ? The place is so charming that it reminds me of my home .Green grass , broad lake…

Over The Rainbow

Scene 2

(Mr. Zhang was a local merchant in Liaocheng ,while Mr. Wang was a merchant from Hangzhou who had promised to bring Mr. Zhang some jade plates for their business exchange . For Mr. Wang , it was his first trip to Liaocheng , and so ,Jinghang Canal was considered to be the most convenient route . But he has confronted much more difficulties . This morning a preceding letter said that Mr. Wang was going to arrived at Shanshan Guild Hall this noon . In case of missing Mr. Zhang has been waiting there since a very early time . However it was a long anxious wait . Mr. Zhang has grown too boring to stay any more , then , Mr. Wang finally showed up . But to everyone’s big surprise…)

Merchant Wang : Deep water ,watch out !

Merchant Zhang : Damn it ! What is going on ? Oh , hey guy it’s you , I thought you’ve drowned . You always surprise me .

Merchant Wang : Oh , Mr.Zhang,sorry for so much trouble and such a long wait.But,it was really a hard journey . When my boat almost drow into shore , there is something wrong with the wheels. So , I have to swim here .

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