

Merchant Wang : But the jade plates you want are save , I’ve brought a sample here .

M.Z:Oh , thank you.You should be very tired . I’ve reserved a hotel for you to rest.I can stay in Liaocheng for a few days and have a good look at the beautiful old city.

M.W : Yeah,I think that I should .The views along the JingHang Canal are so elegant that I was fascinated by it and forget to go.And before I arrived here,somebody told me that Liaocheng was a city with long history and full of cultures.I think it worth a long stay.

M.Z:It deserved it .Even many foreigners like to stay here for the rest of their lives.And besides the JingHang Canal it also has a board lake which was called DongChang Lake,one of the biggest man-made lakes in China.Its beauty can be compared with the XiHu in Hangzhou or even more beautiful than that.

M.W:Yeah,and the magic tall Guang Yue Lou,which was built without a nail.And this…,ShanShan guild hall is a good place for us to exchange business . All of this worth a long stay.

M.Z:Right.And still a lot for you to find.But, by the way , aren’t you hungry ? How about that we have supper first?I’ve prepared some good dishes special in Liaocheng and some liquor…

M.W:Oh,stop…I mean…I can’t wait , expecially the liquor.

M.Z:Let’s go…

Merchant Wang : Oh , wait , my sister has been here with me .

Merchant Zhang : Really ? Where is she ?

MW: She is still in the boat . You know she is such a lady , and she would rather stay there than swim along with me .

MZ : Yeah, I know . So go and find her , quick . How luckily that she is not a crazy man as you .

Scene 3

Sister : oh , what a beautiful city Liaocheng is ! Oh , look at the views . these are even more charming than some places in Hangzhou . I’d like to stay here for the rest of my life . I don’t care about my brother . He always want to put me under his surveillance,and protect me as a little bird.But I’m seventeen now,old enough for me to find my love,and start my own life.These years after my parents died,my big brother really take good care of me.And I appreciate those things very much.Well,I also love my brother,but that’s not enough.I can’t stay with him forever.He has to find his own life,so do I.

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