

春香:Qiu xiang, come here, let’s play together!

秋香:You play it!

秋香:Hua an, why you are here?

唐:Qiuxiang is as beautiful as flower,so many girls are cling to him.
I (Hua an) want to appreciate Qiuxiang’s appearance.
秋香:Boring! Why are there so many nonsense rubbishes in this world?
l wonder, is Tong Pak-Fu the only ideal man in this world!
Only a romantic man...can write such romantic poem!
'The temple is located inside the peach blossom garden.'
'There is a fairy of peach blossom.'
'The fairy of peach blossom planted the peach blossom trees.'
'She traded the flowers for sweet wine.'

'The people thought l was insane.'
'But they don't really understand me.'
'Can't you see the graves of the heroes?'
‘No flowers, no wine, but who cares?'
唐:l love this poem!

秋香:You recited the poem of Tong Pak-Fu.
ln fact, it's a kind of insult.
You are not qualified to recite his poem。

唐:l couldn't help telling you the truth...
Listen, l am Tong... Bo... Hu!

秋香:Tong Bo-Hu?


秋香:You are really Tangbohu

唐:Qiuxiang, it’s me.

唐:Qiuxiang, tomorrow we'll go to the lake in boat, OK?

秋香:Bohu, no! You are the enemy of madam hua, I afraid that she would know. Then she will kill you.

唐:So long as I can stay with you, I don’t be afraid.

秋香:No! I don’t let you die.

唐:Don’t be afraid. With me! We could sneak out.

唐:We meet in my backyard, no see no go.

秋香:Bohu! You leave quickly, madam hua is coming.

本文《《唐伯虎点秋香》搞笑群人英语小品剧本(6)》由中国大陆最受欢迎的【台词网(TaiCiWang.COM)】整理收集,如果您喜欢,请分享并推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的访问! 欢迎热心网友投稿,投稿邮箱:mail@taiciwang.com