石榴:Sister Qiu-xiang, they are both miserable, what'll we do?
秋香:Let's wait and see.
Damn! Brother! Wait.
Look at you, you look rich. Why not go home and make a poor look first? Look at me, l am thin, and see the abscess ['æbsis]脓肿;脓疮On my hands!
l am really miserable than you.
唐:Pal, don't challenge ['tʃælindʒ]向…挑战 me. l hate to be challenged.
惨人:So what?
唐:Are you pushing me?
惨人:l am miserable than you, so what?
唐:Damn! Go to hell()去死啦! (唐伯虎拿起一根木棒将自己的胳膊打断)
唐:See, my whole hand is broken.
Who is miserable now?
惨人:Don't go too far!
唐:lt's show-hand, so what?
惨人:l'll play with you.
OK, l will show-hand too.(拿起棍子砸自己的头,血流如注)
Are you playing tricks with me?
l don't want my life either, let's see how you can compete with me.
Who is miserable? (说完,倒地身亡)
唐:Bravo [,brɑ:'vəu,]喝彩,好极了! You are really great. See you next time!
石榴:Hey, he is dead, l can buy you now.
唐:5taels [teil] 两;银more please.
石榴:How can you raise your price suddenly?
唐:l want to bury him, too.
石榴:What a good heart you have! Let's buy him. (拿出银子)
秋香:Come early tomorrow morning.
唐:Thank you, Miss Qiu-xiang.
唐:Such a tempting ['temptiŋ]吸引人的;诱惑人的smile!Mom, l have got it.
Act 4
地点:The backyard of Hua’s house
道具:1诗集, 1扇子, 2凳子,1桌子
冬香:Higher! Make it higher! lt's funny...
夏香:Look, it’s high, it’s so high.