

Will you help me or not?
唐: One hour? Well, since you are my brother,
l will write your lament for your funeral.
Say, 'A bastard' or 'A scumbag', which one do you like?
Choose between these two.
祝: Pak Fu, don't be that mean to me.
l swear if l gamble again, let me marry with the worst woman, ls it OK?
唐: You made such worst oath!
OK, l will save you for the last time.
Man, give me the stationery.
祝: You are such a heroic friend, so righteous!
祝: Wow! It is pretty good!

Act 2
地点:A river side, on the street

一女子:Look, the 'Four Scholars' are over there.

一女子:Go and have a look,

祝枝山:We come here for a tour.
That’s why the girls are that crazy.

文征明:Pals, why not has a poem competition?

祝:Very good idea!
Why don't you start first? Brother Wen bin.

周文斌:l am the best in this field.
'There are many geese under the mountain.'

文征明:'They rushed down to the river.'

祝:'Let's roast a goose.'

唐:'After roasting, you'd better go home for a screw.'

三人:Good, very good. Very good!

祝:There is something attractive.
See, there is a beauty on the bridge. She seems to be lonely.
Why not show us your talent about how to court a girl.
To let us learn from you!


周文斌:lt's the welfare for your friends, so?

唐:l am glad to demonstrate it.


如花:What's the matter? (一回头,竟是如花!)

三人:Go, go...

唐:May l put my head on your shoulder?

本文《《唐伯虎点秋香》搞笑群人英语小品剧本(2)》由中国大陆最受欢迎的【台词网(TaiCiWang.COM)】整理收集,如果您喜欢,请分享并推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的访问! 欢迎热心网友投稿,投稿邮箱:mail@taiciwang.com