

  老虎:Of course! Come and see. My fur, my teeth, and my tail! 当然啦!来瞧瞧我的虎皮, 虎牙, 还有虎尾巴。
  武松:Yes, yes. You are real. Can I take a photo? I will put it on the newspaper.是的,是的。你是真老虎。我可以拍个照吗?我要把它放到报纸上去。
  老虎:Newspaper? Super star! Great! Come on! 上报纸?太好了。 来吧, 拍吧!(摆pose)
  老虎:(眼睛被闪花了。东摸洗摸。)Oh, no. I can’t see now! Oh, no!
  武松:(举起棍子就打) I will kill you and sell you for lots of money!
  老虎:You cheat me ! I will eat you! ( 东扑西扑)你骗我,我要吃了你!
  武松:(用绳子把棍子连接起来)ha, ha. Shuang Jiegun! (舞动起来,音乐《双截棍》)
  老虎:Eat you! Eat you! Eat you!.......(扑,扑, 扑。喘粗气)I am tired!
  武松一样喘粗气, 提棍子再打。 被老虎一爪子扇掉! 老虎顺势再扑, 武松情急之下脱掉鞋子向老虎扔去。老虎接住鞋子,一闻,大叫一声(my god!Hong kong foot!)瞬时被臭得晕了过去。武松抓住时机上前一阵狂扁。老虎刚要醒来,武松把另一只鞋子在它脸上一晃。老虎一歪脖子,彻底呜呼!
  武松:Great!it’s dead. I am too tired.( 枕着老虎就睡着了。鼾声阵阵….)
  猎户甲:Oh, he killed the tiger! Our hero!
  众猎户:hero! Hero! Hero!......(簇拥武松下山) (突然警笛声响起!)一辆警车停在众人面前。警察下车,一把铐住武松。
  警察甲:You killed the tiger? We should protect tigers! Follow us to the police station!
  武松:Why? Why? I’m the hero. Let me go! Let me go! …..

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