

Husband and His Wife
Scene: Tim's room Time:Around 6:00AM
Ann: (Comes back home) I'm sorry .I shouldn’t have been angry. I know you have an appointment at 8:00 a.m. But…but…should I go on a diet? Do I have to exercise to keep in shape. Do you think… dancing will work?
Tim: (On Tim’s bed) Tell me, what are you doing now? I have an important meeting in a few hours and have to get up soon, but you and the rest of the family have been bothering me all night long. Listen again. If you keep on making noises, I'll go crazy!
Ann: You didn't pay any attention to me! You don't care about me at all! You must be in love with someone else.
Tim: I didn't mean that… I... I….
(The alarm clock rings)
Ann: Oh! It's 6:00 now. It's time to get up! Good morning!
Tim: Oh, no!


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