

Candy: I don't believe it. Is your number 0911-515005?
Tim: Yes, it's my phone number, but it's not John' phone number, OK?
Candy: Why don't you let me talk with John? Why?
Tim: I don't want to explain to you. Good-bye!(Tim ends the talking again)
(The phone rings again and Tim answers it.)
Candy: I really want to talk with John!
Tim: But I want to sleep, OK???(Very loudly and Tim turns off the cell phone.)

Husband and His Neighbor
Scene: Tim’s room Time:around 3:00AM
Mike: Open the door. Open the door quickly. If you don’t open it, I’ll break in.
Tim: Who is it? Don’t make any noise so loudly at midnight.( goes to open the door)
Mike: Well, this is good wine .(goes to the huaband's bed and lies on it)
Tim: Don’t lie on my bed!(angry)
Mike: Your bed? Nonsense. This is my bed. Who are you?
Tim: I think you must have come to the wrong house. This is my house, my room, and my bed.
Mike: But, this is my house!
Tim: No. Your house is next to mine. Get out of here.
Mike: Don’t be angry. Now I’m in a bad shape. Please let me stay here.
Tim: If you don’t leave, I’ll call the police.
Mike: Don’t do it. Let me talk about what’s bothering me.
Tim: Okay, what happened to you?
Mike: I made a mistake in my work, so I was fired. And my wife thinks I’m an irresponsible man. She wants to porce me. (Crying)
Tim: OK, are you finished? Please get out!

Husband and His Father
Scene: Tim’s room Time: around 4 o’clock
(Tim’s Dad walks into Tim’s room)
Roly: Your neighbor, Mr.Wang, didn’t come to borrow things from you, did he?
Tim: No, he didn’t!
Roly: But why was it so noisy an hour ago?
Tim: A stranger broke into our house.

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