

Iris: Tomorrow! No! No! I have to hand it in tomorrow.
Tim: OK! OK! Let me see. One plus two is…… (nods)
Iris: Dad?
Tim: Oh! It’s…..eleven.
Iris: Eleven. OK! Eleven. (writes it down) And next.
Tim: Two plus three is……(nods again)
Iris: Dad! Are you OK?
Tim: Baby, I’m really tired. Tomorrow, if the teacher asks you where your homework is, can you tell her teacher your homework’s been torn by a dog?
Iris: Good idea! OK, Dad, Good night!
Tim: Good night, baby!
Iris: Oh, Dad! Can you give me some pocket money? After school, I want to eat ice cream, soda, donuts, dumplings, cookies and ……
Tim: OK! OK! Here’s your money!
Iris: Thank you, Dad!
Tim: Good night!
Iris: Oh, Dad!
Tim: What else? (A little bit impatient)
Iris: Can you buy me Barbie dolls?
Tim: OK! OK! I’ll buy you some!
Iris: Thank you, Dad! Oh, Dad!
Tim: What’s the matter now?
Iris: Nothing! I just wanted to say “Good night!”
Tim: Good night!

Husband and an Unknown Caller
Scene: Tim's room Time: around 2:00AM
Candy: Can I speak to John, please.
Tim: John? Who is he?
Candy: He’s my boyfriend. I’d like to speak with him, please.
Tim: Sorry! I think you have the wrong number.
Candy: Wrong number? No! It's impossible! I've called this number many times. Don't lie to me.
Tim: It's true. I'm very serious, and I'm very tired, Goodbye!
Candy: Wait! I'm John's girlfriend. Would you let me talk with him? Just a minute.
Tim: But John does not live here, OK? And I don't know where he lives. Bye!(Tim ends the talk)
(The phone rings again and Tim answers it)
Candy: Hello! May I speak with John, please?
Tim: I'll say this again, John does not live here.(a little angry)

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