

Romeo and Julia
Scene I
( Julia and Romeo are classmates. Julia has liked Romeo for a long time. Today, Julia determines to show her feelings to Romeo. He passes by Betty and Clover. Allen and Julia are waiting for the bus. )

Betty & Clover: Wow…so handsome.
Julia: Hi, Romeo.
Romeo: Hi.
Julia: Your clothes fit you well.
Romeo: Oh! Thanks. You look charming, too.
Julia: Oh! Really? In fact, I ……have something to tell you.
Romeo: What is it?
Julia: Un ~It’s a little difficult to say. Just…just… (shy!)
Romeo: Just what?
Julia: Just…I like you!! (determined)
(Romeo and Julia stop action)
Clover: Oh! My goodness! Do you hear what she said?
Betty: Yeah! To my surprise.
Clover: Look at her! So fat, so black, and…
Betty: And so flat. (point at Julia’s breast)
Allen: Yeah….you can say that again.
Romeo: (surprised) But I want a thin girl.
Julia: Okay! Give me some time. And I’ll show you.

Scene II
(Julia had a plan of losing weight. First, she went to the famous weight control center. )
Angel: Welcome to “Perfect Woman.”
Julia: I’d like to talk to your manager.
Angle: Please wait a moment.
Julia: Okay, thank you.
Emma: I’m the manager. May I help you?
Julia: I want to become a thin woman in a very short time.
Emma: No problem. A lot of people want to get thinner in a short time. You’re not alone. Let Angel show you.
(Take a pile of paper. Skim the paper quickly.)
Angle: Okay! First, trust me you can make it. Here, we have two programs. The first one includes “aroma oil massage”, “aroma oil treatment” and “acupuncture.” It only costs you 20 thousand dollars.

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