

Romeo: Oh, Julia you look so different now. But I like girls with fair complexion.
Julia: Oh, um……Ok, wait for me.

Scene III
( Julia’s friends come visit her, and want to invite Julia to the beach.)
Allen: The weather is nice for going out. We want to go to the beach. Would you like to join us?
Julia: I’d like to… but it’s too hot. I don’t want to get a tan.
Allen: Don’t worry. We won’t spend too much time staying in the sun.
Clover: Come on, come on.
Carol: Come with us.
Julia: Okay…give me a little time to prepare for that.
(Few minutes later)
Allen: Are you done?
Julia & Clover & Carol: Yes, we’re coming.
Julia: Oh, I forget something.
Allen & Clover & Carol: What? (She comes out with a lot of protections for her face.)
(Two months later, Julia has become a girl with a fair complexion. And there are many boys who go after her, but all of them are turned down. Julia decided to show her love to Romeo one more time)
Julia: Romeo, my love. I’ve become a thin girl with a fair complexion. Would you accept me?
Romeo: Oh, Julia. You look terrific. But……your bosom is not my type.
Julia: Oh, um……I know, I know……

Scene IV
(Julia goes to Korea, and finds the most famous plastic surgeon….)
Julia: Doctor, I want to make my bosom bigger.
Doctor: What size do you want?
Julia: I prefer G cup.
Doctor: No problem. We can make it come true.
(After the surgery, Julia is more confident than before. And she decide to show her feelings to Romeo for the last time.)

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