

Julia: Oh……
Angle: The other is much cheaper. We have “aerobics”, “acupuncture” and “spa.” It’s only 10 thousand dollars.
Emma: So which one do you prefer? Trust me, they’ll both made you thin and sexy.
Julia: I like both. But I have no money.
Emma & Angle: What? (Clap hands twice. And then two strong men come in and
throw Julia out) Two men: Get out of here. (Julia goes to the pharmacy to buy the most popular medicine “Slim Body” )
Frank: May I help you?
Julia: Do you have this kind of medicine called “Slim Body”?
Frank: Of course we do.
(Now, Jason comes in at the same time.)
Jason: Frank, do you have “Slim Body”? I want to buy more. It makes me lose weight from 150 kilos to 70 kilos.
Frank: Wow. Amazing! Here you are!
Jason: Thanks. (Go out.)
Julia: I want to buy a dozen of it. (After eating “Slim Body”, Julia gets the trots. Julia failed again. Then, she decided to go on a diet.)
(In the restaurant)
Clerk: Can I take your order?
Clover: French fries, chicken and a large cola.
Betty: Hamburger, one large milk shake.
Allen: Roasted pork and ice cream.
Clerk: Anything for you?
Julia: Please give me a cup of water and some crackers. (Surprised by Julia’s order, they all turn their heads toward her.)
Clerk: That’s all?
Julia: Yeah…(Julia looks at Allen, Clover and Betty enjoying their food. And Julia is very hungry. But she can’t eat. She wants to lose weight. Then, she passes out.)
Julia: I want to be slim!
(A month later)
Julia: I’ve become a thin girl. Now I can go to see Romeo. And he’s gonna accept me. Romeo, Romeo…..(Yell...Julia meets Romeo.)
Julia: Hi, my dear Romeo. I’ve become a thin girl. Would you be my boyfriend?
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