

  And It Was So


  prolusion: Ladies and gentlemen, do you believe in God? Today we are going to tell a story about the Goddess.

  Story-teller: Long ,long ago there was a goddess. She created the mule.(and the goddess pointed the mule, the mule began to move. The mule look around)

  Mule: who am I?

  Goddess: (smile)My dear, you will be a mule.

  Mule:Mule? What’s that?

  Goddess: That’s your name. And you should work whole day long.

  Mule: What shall I eat? You know whatever we do, we needs energy.

  Goddess: Grass. But I think you will be foolish. And you will live for 50 years.

  Mule:No, No ,No. 50 is too long for me to work.Can you give me no more than 20.

  Story-teller: The Goddess thought for a while.

  Goddess: Er. Yes. That’s all right.

  Mule: thank you. I’ll try my best to finish it.

  Story-teller: And it was so. The next day, the goddess created a dog.

  Goddess: You will be a dog, my dear.

  Dog: You mean a watchdog?

  Goddess: That’s right. How clever you are!

  Dog: But I didn’t want to be a watchdog. It’s so boring

  Goddess: No, my dear. You will find it interesting. You will be a good friend with your master. And you will be submissive, too.

  Dog: OK. What should I eat then? You know, my dear Goddess everyone need to eat.

  Goddess: You will eat his table leftovers.

  Dog: That’s terrible! How long will I like to be this?

  Goddess: About 25 years.

  Story-teller: The dog didn’t feel well, so he said to her Goddess.

  Dog: Oh, my dear goddess. I’m only a watchdog. 25 years is too long for me to live. Neither the watchdog or the other kinds of dogs need it. Please take 10 years away.

  Goddess: Er, right.

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