

  Whose Fault






  Mr. Green


  Miss Blue











  Scene I


  (Green Garden St.)


  (During the rush hours, when the street is crowded , Mr. Green is driving past the red light , unexpectedly a car accident happens... Two people came out of their cars angrily...)


  Miss Blue: Oh! It's you, Mr. Green... Do you know how to drive your car?


  Mr. Green: You see that I was driving across the road! Wow! There is a dent on my beloved BENZ.


  Miss Blue: My BMW has got a dent too, you should compensate me.


  (While they are quarrelling, later on, the police comes.)


  Police: What's happened?


  Mr. Green: She has bumped into my car!


  Miss Blue: No! It is himself that drove past the red light...


  (Quarrel again ...)


  Police: Has any one been injured?


  Mr. Green: I feel headache , foot ache , ache very much.


  Miss Blue: I ache all over too.


  (Both of them mourn painfully...)


  Police: Then I'll call an ambulance (O-E-O-E ...).



  Scene II


  (Blue Sky Hospital-Emergency)


  (Ambulance sends them to the hospital)


  Nurse: Who is injured?


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