

The woman: How?People around me just like my money, not me.
Mirror: I guess you can leave the environment you are in now, just go out, go travelling, and meet new friends., start a new life. It is not late. Money is not the most important thing in your life. Now that you have enough money, just go out ,make a change!
The woman:Travelling around the world was my dream when I was young, but I was blocked by money……
Mirror:Now it is the best time.
The woman: I really don’t want to live like this any longer. Just as you said, I have money now, why not do and renew my life? Ok, I will start right now, thank you,mirror. I gotta go, I will miss you.(离开)
Mirror: I will miss you, too. Good luck!(镜子对着她的背影说)
(Forquite a few days, no one comes to the mirror. It feels a bit lonely, althoughits common state is loneliness. It signs every now and then)
(Nowthe spring comes, flowers are blooming, the grass is growing, birds aresinging.(人扮演这些自然界的活动) Everything looks vibrant, the mirror turns happy again. Alovely girl picking flowers passes by.)
Mirror: Hello,could you stop to have a talk with me?
(Thegirl wonders who was talking, she looks around. The mirror keeps saying hello.Finally it comes to her that it is a mirror saying hello to her.)
The girl: you can talk, really, mirror?
Mirror: Yes, Ican.
The girl: I havenever seen a mirror talking, you are a magic mirror!
Mirror: you cansay that, to some degree. You look so happy, I can see pure delight was ringingin your laughters. Can you tell me why you are so happy?
The girl: I amhappy for the spring, the beautiful flowers, the babble of the brooks, the singing of birds, in a word, everything.
Mirror: Don’t youhave any worries?
The girl: whyshould I have worries?
Mirror: I haveseen so many people suffering from various kinds of worries.
The girl: Then I Iam the one to tell you my happiness. I do what I want to do, I love nature,love my friends, and you. I choose to be happy.
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