

Young boy: Yes, I assure it. A sweet feeling started to grow inside when I met him. I never had that kind of feeling before. And we get on very well.
Mirror: I see. Anddo you think you are strong enough to experience all the hardship when you are together?
Young boy: I do fear what people think of us, but I love him more.
Mirror: Ok, I believe that people will accept your relation, and your love. After all ,peopleare becoming more and more open-minded now. Do whatever you think is right for you and stick to it. Be happy! Love is undying and powerful.
Young boy: Thankyou, mirror. I feel better now. I will be happy. Bye!
Mirror: You arewelcome. Bye, my dear!
(Awell dressed woman comes, dripping with diamonds.满身珠光宝气 about 40 years old.)
The woman: You mirror, see how rich I am? Look my diamonds, my rings, my necklace, and mydesigner clothes? Oh, you should have a look at my sports car, it is a good baby! Unluckily, I can’t drive it here.
Mirror: Oh, Madam,I don’t need to see your luxury car to tell how rich you are. Probably you arethe richest one that has ever come to me. You live a high quality life. Butthat’s why you come, showing off?
The woman: Sorry,I didn’t mean it. I just can't help telling people how rich I am, because moneyis the only thing I have. If I don’t talk about it, I have nothing to tell.
Mirror: How come?
The woman: My loving parents died many years ago. I have no siblings. And I hurt the one I love when I was younger, and after that I no longer love anyone. I was runningfor money then, thinking If I have money I would have almost everything. Now Ihave money, But There is growing empty in my heart. People just see how rich Iam, and gradually I see the same. But the fact is I am the poorest woman in the world, without anyone really love me.
Mirror: I am sorry to hear that. What I want to say is, you will find someone who loves you sooner or later, it can be a friend or a lover.
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