Policeman: Do you…
(Narrator: After several questions, the policeman gives a ticket to the man.)
Policeman: I am afraid that you made a big mistake, Sir. First, you didn’t use the seat belt! Second, you drove without your driver’s license! Third, your speed wasn’t over 60 miles per hour. Fourth, the most important thing is that, you drove under the influence of alcohol! (Walks away from the man)
Man: Wait! Wait!
(Narrator: After the policeman leaves, he talks to himself on the road.)
Man: Why did the policeman give me a ticket? I didn’t drive any car, so how could my speed of driving be below 60 miles per hour? I don’t have any car, but the ticket shows that I didn’t use any seat belt, and I drove without my license! I drank some wine, but I wasn’t driving. I wasn’t even in a car! What a strange thing! Oh! I know why! The policeman is blind! Ha! Ha! Ha! (Lies down on the road)
(Narrator: The man is found asleep on the road next morning. All my dears, cars have no eyes! Do not walk or ride a bicycle or motorcycle on free ways! And, do not drive after drinking! If you don’t listen to my advice, your curses will come home to roost!)