

SecB: Don’t be stupid. You’re just a student, without evidence.
LXY: Say your prayers, you will lose.
Told(感慨地): You poor boys, our girls will…
A: We can prove what he said.

B: We’re the evidence.
D: We’re with you White.
N: Quiet. Sit down please. (朝SecB,LXY)Anything else to say?
OK. There’s nothing else to discuss. Court has already had the result.
According to the school rule, Sally Liu and Sarry Li have behaved against No.25 in Part5, while these were proved to be truth. Now the Court will give punishments below:
Student Liu and Li are supposed to help clean the school for 1 month.
If someone has disagreement, hand in more material in 1 week. (敲锤,众人鼓掌欢呼)So be it.
(谢幕,大屏幕打出SW的照片向Small White致敬,The story is based on reality>)

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