

Cin’s home:灰姑娘的家

Stepm: Cinderella , Cinderella ,where is that ,东西在哪?CINDERELLA

Cin: Yes? Here I am. 什么事,我在这

Stepm: don’t stand there! Brings up the breakfast trays at once ! and hurry!别站着那把盘子摆好,快

Stepm: oh hurry now, he’ll be here any minute 快点,我没时间了。

A: who will?谁要来,

Sm: the grand duke ,he’s been hunting all night, 公爵要寻找一晚上,

G: hunting?寻找

Sm: for that girl ,the one who lost her slipper at the ball last night, they say the prince is madly in love with her, the glass slipper is their only clue , now the duke has been ordered to try it on every girl in the kingdom ,there is still a chance,寻找在昨天晚会上丢失玻璃鞋的女孩,他们说王子要娶她,玻璃鞋是唯一的线索,公爵要让王国里的每个女孩子都试穿这双鞋,这是一个机会,

G&A: We know ,mother,我明白妈妈

Jack and gus: he’s h

ere , he’s here, duke? 在这,公爵。

Sm: girls , now ,remember, this is your last chance, don’t fail me,孩子们,记住,这是你们最后的机会,

Guards: announcing , his imperial grace , the grand duke, 报……尊贵的大臣驾到!

Sm: you honor our humble home, may I present my daughters….是您另我们家熠熠生辉,我可以让我的女儿们出来了吗?

G: why, that’s my slipper! 为什么,那是我的鞋

A: well, I like that! It’s my slipper! 我喜欢这是我的鞋

Gus&jack: no no, no,cinderella’s slipper.不不是灰姑娘的

Sm: girls,girls, your manner, a thousand pardons ,your grace.孩子人注意你们的举止

G&A: mother ,help…. Help…妈妈帮帮我

Duke: you are the only ladies in the house here, 你们是这座房子就仅仅你们几位女士,

Sm: there is no one else, your grace.没有了

Duke: quite so, good day, good day,那好,打扰了

Cin: your Grace, your Grace, please wait, may I try it on?等等到,我可以试试吗

Sm: oh ,pay no attention to her, it’s only Cinderella, our maid , from the kitchen.不必在意他,他只是一个干活的丫头

本文《《灰姑娘》-校园英语小品短剧本(搞笑+煽情)(2)》由中国大陆最受欢迎的【台词网(TaiCiWang.COM)】整理收集,如果您喜欢,请分享并推荐给您的朋友,谢谢您的访问! 欢迎热心网友投稿,投稿邮箱:mail@taiciwang.com