Terk: So, where’s his mama?
Kala: Well, I am going to be his mother now.
Terk: You know, he is not so bad once you get used to it. Kala’s gonna be its mother now.
Kala: Kerchak, I saved him from Sabor.
Kerchak: Kala, It won’t replace the one we lost.
Kala: I know that, but he needs me.
Kerchak: But, it it it , Kala, look at it. It is not our kind. No, you have to take it back.
Kala: Take him back? But he will die.
Kerchak: If the jungle(丛林) wants him then…
Kala: I want him.
Kerchak: Kala, I cannot let you put our family in danger.
Kala: Does he look dangerous to you?
Kerchak: Hmm. Was it alone?
Kala: Yes, Sabor killed his family?
Kerchak: Are you sure?
Kala: Yes, there are no others.
Kerchak: Then you may keep him.
Kala: Kerchak, I know he will be a good son.
Kerchak: I said he could stay. That doesn’t make him my son. We will nest here for the night.
1.It won’t replace the one we lost. 他不会取代我们失去的。
2.It is not our kind. 他和我们不是同类。
3.We will nest here for the night. 今晚在这里安营扎寨。
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