






  人员被关押,但有6人逃脱,并躲在加拿大驻伊朗大使Ken Taylor(维克多·加博 Victor Garber 饰)的家里。CIA高层Jack O'Donnell(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 饰)找到专家Tony Mendez(本·阿弗莱克 Ben Affleck 饰),让他协助将那六个人带回美国。经过讨论后,CIA决定采取Tony的办法,以拍摄电影的名义,Tony到伊朗将那六个人带回。Tony联系了他在好莱坞的朋友,化妆师John Chambers(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 饰),为了找到了那六个人,开始了艰苦的逃离德黑兰之路……选段中,他们终于飞离了伊朗领空,众人喜极而泣,相互拥抱亲吻。因为Tony所做的是秘密行动,不能公开,所以美国政府把功劳归功于加拿大友邻。而这件事情直到很多年后才正式解密,而Tony等人最后也拿回了中情局情报勋章以作纪念。


  On The Plane

  Air Hostess: Ladies and gentlemen, it is our pleasure to announce that alcoholicbeverages are now available as we have cleared Iranian airspace.

  (Six people laughed and cheered.)

  In CIA

  Staff: They're clear. Yes! Yes!

  In The Film Studio

  Lester: They're out! They're out! They're out! They're out!

  Staff: Yes! We got them out!

  John: They're out!

  Staff: Great work, boys.

  John: We've managed!

  In the Iraq boundary

  Iraq Official(Say to Sahar): You are admitted to the republic of Iraq.

  In The Film Studio

  John: We made history today.

  Lester: History starts out as farce and ends up as tragedy.

  John: Or it's the other way around.

  Lester: And who said it?

  John: Marx.

  Lester: Groucho said that?

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