

  In CIA

  Staff: Called The Times to nail it to the Goddamn door. CIA are the good guys. The Canadians are the good guys. And if we're not agreeing, them too. Only. Canada takes the credit or they'll retaliate against the hostages. Great Satan wasn't involved. No CIA. Is that right, Jack?

  Jack: Involved in what? We were surprised as anybody. Thank you, Canada.

  On TV

  Candian Ambassador: We knew that each day that they stayed there, the danger was becoming greater. We had been looking for a solution to have them to leave the country during the past three months.

  News: Day 87, and finally a sliver of really good news. The Department of State hereby honors Joe Stafford, Kathy Stafford, Mark Lijek...

  The Americans will be forever grateful to our great friend and ally to the North, for the protection and safe passage, provided to our diplomats...

  ...Bob Anders...

  Iran: Here or anywhere in the world Canada will pay for this violation of the sovereignty of Iran.

  News: ... Ambassador Ken Taylor and the great nation of Canada.

  On The Phone

  Lester: So I'm sitting in Jerry's this morning. I'm having breakfast. Waitress comes over to me, she's waving a newspaper,she says; 'You see what those Canadians pulled off? Why can't we do something like that?' I said to her, do you know what I said?

  Tony: No, what?

  Lester: 'Argo, fuck yourself!'

  In the Archive

  Staff: All set.

  Tony: Thanks a lot.

  Jack: And I left my autograph book at home. His eminence called me. He wants to see you.

  Tony: Probably wants to fire me himself.

  Jack: He wants to give you the Intelligence Star. You're getting the highest award of merit of the clandestine services of these United States. Ceremony's on the fourteenth.

  Tony: If they push it a week I can bring Ian, that's his winter break.

  Jack: The op was classified. So, the ceremony's classified. He can't know about it, nobody can know about it.

  Tony: So they're just gonna give me an award. then they're gonna take it back.

  Jack: That's right.

  Tony: If we wanted applause we would would have joined the circus.

  Jack: I thought we did.

  Tony: Yeah. Carter said you were a great American.

  Jack: Great American what?

  Tony: He didn't say.

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