电影版《悲惨世界》上映了,不得不说演员们的演技十分到位,一举一动都令人深陷其中。贫苦的冉·阿让(休·杰克曼 Hugh Jackman 饰)为了挨饿的孩子去偷面包,结果被判处19年的苦役。选段中,出狱后走投无路的他偷走了收留他过夜的主教的银器潜逃,被警察捉回。主教声称银器是送给他的,使他免于被捕。主教的言行感化了他,他化名马德兰,从此洗心革面奋发向上开始新生活。
Messieurs: Get in there. Put it down. Stay there. Monsignor, we have your silver. Wecaught this man red handed. Het the nerve to say you gave him these.
Monsignor: That is right! But my friend, you left so early! Surely some thing slipped your mind. You forgot I gave these also. Would you leave the best behind? Messieurs, release him. This man has spoken true. I commend you for your duty. Now God's blessing go with you.But remember this, my brother. See in this some higher plan. You must use this precious silver, to become an honest man. By the witness of the martyrs, by the passion and the blood, God has raised you out of darkness, I have saved your soul for God!
Jean Valjean:What have I done? Sweet Jesus, what have I done? Become a thief in the night! Become a dog on the run! And have I fallen so far, and is the hour so late. That nothing remains, but the cry of my hate? The cries in the dark that nobody hears! Here where I stand at the turning of the years?
If there's another way to go, I missed it 20 long years ago. My life was a war that could never be won. They gave me a number and murdered Valjean. Just for stealing a mouthful of bread! Yet why did I allow this man. To touch my soul and teach me love? He treated me like any other. He gave me his trust, he called me brother. My life he claims for God above.
Can such things be? For I had come to hate the world, This world that always hated me! Take an eye for an eye! Turn your heart into stone! This is all I have lived for! This is all I have known! One word from him and I'd be back! Beneath the lash, upon the rack. Instead he offers me my freedom! I feel my shame inside me like a knife. He told me that I have a soul. How does he know?
What spirit comes to move my life? Is there another way to go? I am reaching, but I fall, And the night is closing in. As I stare into the void, To the whirl pool of my sin. I'll escape now from that world, From the world of Jean Valjean. Jean Valjean is nothing now! Another story must begin!
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