(A newsreel begins:)
(A commentator describes the newsreel showing Princess Ann at several ceremonies in various European locations.)
Paramount News brings you a special coverage of Princess Ann's visit to London, the first stop on her much publicised goodwill tour of European capitals. She gets a royal welcome from the British as thousands cheer the gracious young member of one of Europe's oldest ruling families. After three days of continuous activity and a visit to Buckingham Palace, Ann flew to Amsterdam where Her Royal Highness dedicated the new International Aid Building and christened an ocean liner. Then went to Paris where she attended many official functions designed to cement trade relations between her country and the Western European nations. And so to Rome, the eternal city, where the Princess' visit was marked by a spectacular military parade highlighted by the band of the crack Piersa Yeri Regiment. The smiling young Princess showed no sign of the strain of the week's continuous public appearances. And at her country's embassy that evening, a formal reception and ball in her honor was given by her country's ambassador to Italy.
(The Embassy ballroom. People fill the floor of the room. A fanfare sounds. The Master of Ceremonies appears and the people clear a path down the middle of the hall in front of him. The Master of Ceremonies announces "Her Royal Highness"--first in Italian, then in English.)
(The orchestra starts playing as the Master of Ceremonies walks down the newly-formed aisle. Princess Ann, resplendent in her ballgown, diamond tiara, and necklace, appears at the door accompanied by the Ambassador in formal military dress. Behind them follow together the Countess Vereberg and General Provno, and others. As the company walks slowly down the aisle, Princess Ann smiles and nods her head to acknowledge the guests who line their path. They bow as the Princess walks past them.)
(As they reach the front, the Princess and the others step onto the dais as the orchestra finishes playing. The dais is furnished with chairs--a large one in the center. The Princess and the others stand, facing the guests. Princess Ann is about to sit when the Ambassador discreetly stops her with a hand on her arm.)
(As they stand waiting, the guests form in a line in front. The Master of Ceremonies announces them as they walk forward to greet her, in turn.)
His Excellency, the Papal Nuntius, Monsignor Altomonto.
(Ann greets him warmly in Italian, shaking his hand; he replies, in Italian.)
Sir Hugo Macy de Farmington.
(he bows to her)
Good evening, Sir Hugo.
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