-Did I die?我死了吗?
Did we all die? 我们都死了吗?
-If i took you to Acradia/如果我带你去阿卡迪亚
-Could you show me the way to get to your house?你能给我指出回家的路吗
-You owe me big-time.你欠我一个大人情。
-What's red and green and goes a million miles per hour?
-Frog in a blender.
Sometimes things happen in the world that are meant to test our faith
You don't need to have all the answers.你不必知道所有答案
You just need to comfort those who have questions你只需安抚那些心存疑虑的人
when life gives you a second chance,you gotta take it full on.
but don't you want to know the thuth?你不想知道真相吗
maybe some things are more important.也许某些东西比真相更重要
I don't care if that boy was a stranger we met on the street.我不管那个男孩是不 是街上的陌生人
The man I married would never treat a child this way.我嫁的人绝对不会这样对一个孩子
I was just trying to help someone in need 我只是在帮助需要帮助的人\\\///
I figured if you wanted to fine me you'd know where我觉得如果你想找我,你会知道我在哪
wo go through life afraid of death.我们一生都惧怕死亡
It holds us back.使我们畏缩不前
Becauce the thuth is ,there is no life or death事实上世界上没有生或死
There's only this.就是这样
You know the difference between a good cop and one that's just run-of-the-mill,Carl?
A good cop doesn't accept there's nothing when he knows there's something.
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