

 Not everyone can be on the right side of history.



 I wouldn't be sitting here if I wanted a shoulder to cry on.

如果我需要借一个让我哭泣的肩膀, 我就不会坐在这儿了


tried a new butcher. Slow-bleeds his hogs. - It ain't legal, but... Well, I won't tell anyone. I don't know if I'm gonna go back to him. Went out to his shop.He's got a room in the back where he does it. Soundproof. - A whole setup. Why soundproof? 'Cause of how they scream. They can smell it comin'.You stick that pipe in their throat, next ten minutes is hell. Bust your fucking eardrums.Now, the humane way to do it is to make it quick. Bring out a bucket of slop like it's feeding time,then bam, shovel right to the base of the head. No screamin'.

试了一个新的屠夫 把猪慢慢放血到死 - 不合法 但是...我不会告诉任何人的, 我不知还要不要再找他了。 去了他的店 他在后头有一个干这事的房间 隔音的一整套 为什么要隔音?因为它们会大叫 它们能感受到要出事了 你把管子插到它们的喉咙 接下来钟就是地狱 能把你他妈的给吵死人道的做法是快速杀死 拿出一桶猪食 好像到了吃饭时间...嘣 直接铲穿头 没有叫声



 Every kitten grows up to be a cat. They seem so harmless at first,small, quiet, lappingup their saucer of milk. But once their claws get long enough, they draw blood, sometimes from the hand that feeds them.For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy.There is but one rule: hunt or be hunted. Welcome back.

每只猫仔都会长成猫,它们一开始好像那么人畜无害, 又小又安静, 舔着碟子里的牛奶, 但只要它们的爪子够长了, 它们就会抓伤人. 有时会抓伤养活它们的人, 对于我们那些正在攀爬到食物链顶端的人来说不容仁慈. 只有一条法则:弱肉强食. 欢迎回来.


 So how's it feel to be married to the vice president? Exactly the same... just louder.

嫁给副总统感觉如何啊? 没差...只是更吵闹


 The president is like a lone tree in an empty field. He leans whichever way the wind is blowing.

总统就像空地上的一棵独苗树 风往哪吹 他就往哪靠


 Grief demands an answer, but sometimes there isn't one.

悲痛要求答案 但有时根本就没有


 You'll still feel the hate in the morning. You'll use that. But not on him.

早上你还会感受到那份憎恶. 你要利用那份憎恶.但不是对他


 Well, it's always a coin toss with the Chinese. But sometimes, standing your ground is better than giving in.They respect you more when you show strength.

应付中国人总是掷硬币 两面都有可能. 但有的时候 坚持立场比让步更好. 当您显示出强势时, 他们会更加尊重.


 He's a brute, but he's not an idiot.

他是畜生 但不是白痴


.You know, there's nothing I despise more in life than pettiness.



 You came in here knowing what you had to do, hoping I would pull a rabbit out of a hat so you wouldn't have to.

你进来这儿 知道你必须做什么. 希望我会变出个戏法 你就不用做事了


 As for me, I used to be on the edge of the frame. Now, I'm only three feet away.

至于我 我曾经在镜头的边缘, 现在, 我只有三尺之遥了


.- "To improve is to change .To perfect is to change often.

" 要提高就是要改变.要完美就要不断改变


 You're a journalist? Who gives a shit? We're fucking soldiers.

你是个记者 谁他妈会在意 我们是战士


 The first drops of blood have been spilt. Bullet grazed my cheek, but I haven't fallen.

第一滴血洒了下来,子弹从我的脸上擦了过去 但我还是屹立不倒


.Any pugilist worth his salt knows when someone's on the ropes, that's when you throw a combination to the gut and a left hook to the jaw.



 The gift of a good liar is making people think you lack a talent for lying.



 The Chinese love to gamble, especially the rich ones.

中国人爱赌 尤其是有钱人


 If you need a punching bag, I will stand here and take the punches,



 Everyone in China who works on this level pays who they need to pay. And they kill who they need to kill. People disappear all the time, Mr. Stamper. I could disappear. You could disappear.

在中国 这个层级的生意人都得付该付的钱,他们则杀他们该杀的人,总有人会消失 Stamper先生.我可能会消失 你也可能会消失


 You know what I like about money? I can stack it on a table, like this one. I can measure it with a yardstick. I can see it, smell it, buy things with it. Houses, cars, clothes. Things that are real.You're gonna have to show up with more than beads.

你知道我喜欢钱的哪一点么?我可以一捆丢在桌上, 就像这一沓, 我可以用尺子来量, 我能看见它, 嗅到它, 用它来买东西, 房子, 车子, 衣服 ,都是实实在在的东西, 你可不能只是给我说虚的.


Why does everything have to be a struggle? Can't some people just say "yes" for once? - Sir.



 You're nothing. You're a parasite. So are you Danton. Just in a nicer suit.

你什么都不是 你就是个寄生虫 你也是 Danton 只不过行头高级点


 I can't take back the bad I done. All I can do is to make my own way, like I been doin'. You understand. Ain't pride, Frank.If you change your mind, you let me know.You was a good customer, that's it.You ain't gotta pretend to be my friend. You take care of yourself, Freddy. - You too, Frank.

我不能收回我做过的恶 我只能走好自己的路 像我一直以来那样 你明白的 这不是高傲 Frank 你是个好顾客 仅此而已 你没权利假装是我的朋友 照顾好自己 Freddy


 Do you think I'm a hypocrite?Well, you should. I wouldn't disagree with you.

你觉得我是伪君子吗 你应该这么想 我也会同意的


 The road to power is paved with hypocrisy... ...and casualties. Never regret. This way.

通往权力的道路,由伪善和亡兵铺成的 绝不后悔


 Oh, your wife? What does that even mean to you? Do not mistake any history you have shared for the slightest understanding of what our marriage is, or how insignificant you are in comparison.

噢 你妻子? 这两个字对你究竟有什么意义?不要以为你们有过一段历史 就能理解我们两人婚姻的一分一毫 或是相比之下你有多微不足道


 I'm your lobbyist, not your henchman I don't employ lobbyists. I employ people who can be useful to me

我是你的说客 不是走狗 我不雇说客 我只雇对我有用的人


 I've always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts the most powerful men on their backs.

我一直厌恶人类有睡觉的必要 它们就像死亡 即便是最有权势的人也要乖乖躺倒


 It was the best of times, it was the worst of times it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way.

那是最美好的时代 那是最糟糕的时代 那是智慧的年头 那是愚昧的年头 那是信仰的时期 那是怀疑的时期 那是光明的季节那是黑暗的季节那是希望的春天 那是失望的冬天 我们拥有一切 我们一无所有 我们全部在直奔天堂 我们全部在直奔相反的方向…"


From the lion's den to a pack of wolves. When you're fresh meat, kill and throw them something fresher.

才出狼窝 又入虎穴 当你自己是鲜肉饵时 就得大开杀戒 扔给虎狼更鲜的肉


 You gave this to me as a gesture of friendship. When I look at this now, I don't see friendship,I see calculation. You set me up, Frank.

你把这个沙袋当做友谊的象征送给了我 我现在再看它 看到的不是友谊 而是算计 你设计了我 Frank


 I've managed to isolate the president from everyone... ...including myself.

我成功地让总统疏离了所有人... 包括我在内


 Because I lack scruples and some would even say compassion. But that's just the image that I present to the world because it elicits fear and respect.

因为我无所顾忌 甚至可以说没有同情心 但那只是我展示给世人的一面 因为那能使人害怕 让人尊敬我


 Power versus money," He said. Don't reduce myself to a tax bracket. He was right. And I doubt he begged. He was half right. Power is better than money for as long as it lasts But it never lasts.

他说 “这是权力与金钱的选择 别自降身份变成缴税的人 他说得对 但我不认为他求了你 他对了一半 如果权力能持久 钱哪里比得上


 You've gotten colder since you've taken over this job. It makes things easier.

你当了党鞭之后变得更冷血了 ,冷血好办事








That is our karma.  Neo: You believe in karma?  Rama-Kandra: Karma's a word. Like 'love.' A way of saying 'what I am here to do.

拉玛:这是我的宿命  尼欧:你相信宿命?  拉玛:宿命跟爱一样,只是一个字眼,一种表达出我来这世上有何任务的方式。  




这小时候 我和大哥一直没好意思问,老三你小时候这脸是不是让们给挤过。


 The last thing we want to do is rock the boat.

我们最不需要的就是自找麻烦。(rock the boat:无事生非,自找麻烦)


 I had two choices: lose face or exhibit strength. I chose the latter.



 Allow me to do this quietly, with a soft touch. I wont agonize them, sir.



 Webb is a good tactician, but he lacks follow-through.



 You want somebody to hold your hand and say its okay to go on this fucking goose chase.

你只想找个人安慰你并且告诉你做这些无用功没什么不对。(goose chase:追赶鹅,引申为白忙活)


Cut off the head of the snake,and another will grow in its place.



 Dont step out of the sunlight for no reason.



I can tell when Im being used.Frank.?



I dont use people unless I can throw them away afterwards,Im trying to strengthen our partnership.



Eight years I worked on your staff and never once made it further than your front doorstep.Well,now Im in your living room,Frank.Its not because of what you taught me,its because I finally woke up to what my value is and how undervalued I was slaving away for you.



A little sibling rivalry isnt such a bad thing,especially between adopted boys.They either push each other to be the best versions of themselves or one of them gets booted back to the orphanage.



 From the lions den to a pack of wolves.When youre fresh meat,kill,and throw them something fresher.



I cannot force a man who thinks Im his enemy to suddenly call me his friend.



Seduce him.Give him your heart.Cut it out and put it in his fucking hands.



I took a chance. Showed up at your house and placed myself at your feet. Crossed ethical lines, trofessionally, physically. And I hold myself accountable for that. Those were my choices, and I can live with them. I'd like to move forward, but I need to know exactly what I was a part of. That… that I wasn't a part of someone's …murder.



You want no life? You want more work than three people can handle? You want a decent chance that you could be fired within the first month? If that tempts you, we can keep talking.



None of that intimidates me. I've been running a congressional district for the past nine weeks, with zero assistans. Nobody elected me. Nobody taught me. I've done it because somebody had to.



What happened was tragic. But you won't get sympathy from me. I don't have time for it.



I can't be alone in my own backyard?



If it were up to me. But it's not up to me.



Not everyone can be on the right side of history.



——Well, there's no Johnson Senate building.



——No, he had to settle for a presidential library.



The problem with Buchwalter is he's too abrasive. No charm. Lots of enemies.



Who the fuck do you think you are? You 're sorry? I don't think you're sorry. And don't think for a second you're gonna use that baby to get money out of us.



——He doesn't even know I'm pregnant.



——But you knew he was married.



Here's a fact. My mom has  years left at best. I've seen her more in the past month than since I left for school. It's simpler here. It's quiet. I need that. She needs me.



I'm sorry you lost your girlfriend. I'm sorry the world is this fucked up. I really am. But I can't help you.



Hold yourself to the same standards as you hold your staff.


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