神探夏洛克第二季经典台词大全,经典台词大全网为您编辑整理。《神探夏洛克》中的Sherlock Holmes 是由19世纪末的英国侦探小说家 Arthur Conan Doyle 所塑造的一个才华横溢的虚构侦探人物。该剧在全球拥有极高的收视率。下面就是精彩台词内容,就让我们一起来欣赏一下吧!
I need something stronger than tea. Seven percent stronger.
喝杯茶如何? 先把鱼叉放起来
How about a nice cuppa and perhaps you could put away your harpoon?
Too late to go on the record?
恭喜你 "夏洛克·福尔摩斯的真相"
Congratulations, "The Truth About Sherlock Holmes."
你弄到了大家都想要的猛料 真棒
The scoop that everybody wanted and you got it. Bravo!
I gave you your opportunity.
我想站在你这边的 记得吗?
I wanted to be on your side, remember?
你拒绝了我 所以...
You turned me down, so...
看啊 有人揭露了全部真相
Then lo and behold, someone spills all the beans.
无巧不成书啊 谁是布鲁克?
How utterly convenient. Who is Brook?
算了吧 凯蒂
Oh, come on, Kitty,
no-one trusts the voice at the end of a phone.
All those little meetings in cafes,
those sessions in the hotel room
when he gabbled into your Dictaphone.
How do you know that you can trust him?
他平空出现 双手奉上传说中的圣杯
A man turns up with the Holy Grail in his pockets.
What were his credentials?
亲爱的 他们没有现磨咖啡了
Darling, they didn't have any ground coffee,
so I just got normal.
You said that they wouldn't find me here,
you said that I'd be safe here.
You are safe.
理查德 我是目击者
Richard, I'm a witness,
they wouldn't harm you in front of witnesses.
So that's your source?
Moriarty is Richard Brook?
Of course he's Richard Brook,
there is no Moriarty.taiciwang.com
There never has been.
你在说什么? 你看他
What are you talking about? Look him up.
Rich Brook,
夏洛克·福尔摩斯雇来 假扮莫里亚蒂的演员
an actor Sherlock Holmes hired to be Moriarty.
华生医生 我知道你是好人
Dr Watson, I know you're a good man,
don't, don't, don't hurt me.
不 你是莫里亚蒂 他是莫里亚蒂
No, you are Moriarty! He's Moriarty!
我们见过 不记得吗? 你当时要炸死我
We've met, remember? You were going to blow me up!
对不起 对不起
I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
He paid me,
我得找活干啊 我是个演员 没工作
I needed the work. I'm an actor, I was out of work.
夏洛克 你解释一下 我搞不懂了
Sherlock, you'd better explain, because I am not getting this.
让我来解释 用书面形式
I'll be doing the explaining, in print.
都在这里 证据确凿
It's all here, conclusive proof.
你捏造了詹姆斯·莫里亚蒂 你的宿敌
You invented James Moriarty, your nemesis.
捏造了他? 嗯
Invented him?! Mm-hm.
He invented all the crimes, actually.
为了圆谎 编了个经典大反派
And to cap it all, he made up a master villain.
Don't be ridiculous!
问他 他就在这里 问他
Ask him. He's right here. Just ask him.
告诉他 理查德
Tell him, Richard.
老天 这人出庭受审了啊
For God's sake, this man was on trial!
你付钱让他被捕 你保证操纵陪审团
Yes, and you paid him to take the rap. Promised you'd rig the jury.
比不上西区舞台剧 但报酬应该不错
Not exactly a West End role, but I'll bet the money was good.
But not so good he didn't want to sell his story.
真对不起 对不起
I am sorry. I am. I am sorry.
So this is the story you're going to publish?
结案陈词 莫里亚蒂是个演员?
The big conclusion of it all, Moriarty's an actor?
He knows I am.
我有证据 给他们看 凯蒂 给他们看
I have proof. Show them... Kitty, show them something.
好 给我看
Yeah, show me something.
我上过电视 儿童节目 讲故事的
I'm on TV. I'm on kids' TV. I'm the story-teller.
讲故事的 还出了DVD
I'm the story-teller. It's on DVD.
告诉他吧 事情暴露了 全完了
Just tell him. It's all coming out. It's all over.
告诉他们 告诉他们 一切都完了
Just tell them. Just tell them. Tell them! It's all over now!
不 别碰我 一个指头都别碰我
No! Don't you touch me! Don't you lay a finger on me!
Stop it now!
Don't hurt me!
Don't let him get away!
Leave him alone!
怎么了 小朋友? 迷路了吗?
What is it, dear? Are you lost?
方圆两英里内 都不会有人卖给你了
No-one within a two-mile radius will sell you any.