

1、Fight fire with fire Who laughs last laughs longest 以毒攻毒,谁笑到最后才是笑的最好。

2、I can't decide which part of your speech is the most extraordinary. 我真不知道你的话里哪一部分最令人吃惊。

3、I don't dislike him, I just don't like him. 我不是讨厌他,我只是不喜欢他。

4、It just happens and we should live with it.世事无常,我们要随遇而安。

6、It’s a big thing to give up your whole world.放弃你的整个世界,这不是小事。

7、We all carry scars, Mr Bates, inside or out.我们都有伤疤 贝茨先生 无论外伤还是内伤。

8、You’re no different to the rest of us, remember that.你和别人没有不同 记住这点。

9、Well, I have to take one thing for granted: that I will love you, until the last breath leaves my body. 有件事我会视为理所应当:就是我会永远爱你,至死不渝。

10、Lady Sybil is a perfect model of health and beauty. 茜玻小姐是健康与美丽的完美化身。


12、一个绅士是不会有工作的。 我是指真正的绅士。

13、You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely.有志者事竟成。有时虽然劳其筋骨,但是命运可以彻底改变。

14、War makes early risers of us all. 战争让所有人不得不早早起床。

15、You never know, this might be a blessing in disguise.塞翁失马焉知非福。

16、It’s always sad when you love someone who doesn’t love you back.你深深地爱着,但却没有得到爱的回应,太辛苦了!单恋总是让人痛苦。

17、Any bride who doesn’t suck up to her hunsband’s mother is a fool. 不会拍婆婆马屁的媳妇绝对是笨蛋。

18、Sometimes a hard sacrifice must be made for a future that’s worth having. 有时候要争取美好的未来就要作出牺牲。

19、What would be the point of living, if we didn’t let life change us? 要是总是一成不变,人生还有什么意义?

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