I‘m changing round the dessert services.
We’re missing a sugar sifter. I know I put three out.
少了一个糖罐 我记得拿了三个出来
I was talking to Anna earlier.
Why? What‘s she been saying?
怎么 她说了什么
Whatever’s the matter?
What did Anna say?
Only that she thinks Thomas is bullying William.
她说Thomas在欺负William 无其他
Ah. Yes, she may have a point.
这样啊 她可能是对的
I‘ll keep an eye out.
Here it is.
I’ve been studying the story of Andromeda. Do you know it?
我最近在看<安德洛墨达> 你读过吗
Her father was King Cepheus,
whose country was being ravaged by storms.
And in the end, he decided the only way to appease the gods
最后 他只好将长女奉献给丑陋的海怪
was to sacrifice his eldest daughter to a hideous sea monster.
以此来祈求神的眷顾 平息风暴
So they chained her naked to a rock.
Really, Mary!We‘ll all need our smelling salts in a minute.
Mary 再说下去 我们就要全晕过去了
But the sea monster didn’t get her, did he? No.
但海怪没有得到她 是吗 对
Just when it seemed he was the only solution to her father‘s problems,
she was rescued.
By Perseus.
That’s right.
Perseus. Son of a god.Rather more fitting, wouldn‘t you say?
珀尔修斯 宙斯之子 更加相配 你说呢
That depends. I’d have to know more about the princess and the sea monster in question.
难说 要看是否相配 还要多了解下那位公主以及海怪
第一、 重点短语精讲
in question:讨论中的;考虑之中的,被谈论着的
【典型范例1】 His sincerity is not in question.
【典型范例2 】That is not the point in question.
【典型范例3 】The lady in question is not in office now.
【典型范例4 】Did the matter in question occur on or about ten o‘clock on the fifteenth of June?
那事是在6月15日10点或10点左右发生的 吗 ?
chain somebody to something:把某人栓在某处
第二、 重点短语回顾
in the end:最后,最终
in a minute:马上,立刻
第三、 短语积累
smelling salt
【双语释义】 a chemical with a very strong smell, kept in a small bottle, used especially in the past for putting under the nose of a person who has lost consciousness 嗅盐
miss a sugar sift :少拿了一个糖罐子

1. 【语意表述】 某人说话中肯,说得有道理。
【句型模板】 Somebody has a point.
【指点迷津 】该句型中用到have a point这个短语,其意思是“中肯,有道理,正确”。例如:
Well, you have a point there, but who’s responsible for the theft?(不错,你的话有点道理,但是谁应对这次失窃负责呢?)
【 句型操练1】 You have a point there, but not everyone agrees with you on this matter.
【句型操练2 】I know you have a point there, but different people have different tastes.
【 句型出处 】Ah. Yes, she may have a point.(这样啊,她可能是对的。)
2. 【语意表述】 某人会注意某事,留意某事,提防某事。
【句型模板 】Somebody keeps an eye out for something.
【指点迷津】 此句型中用到keep an eye out这个习语,意思是“警觉,留心,密切注意”。如果表述注意某事,在短语的后面用介词for即可。和“watch out”同意。例如:
The police have been instructed to keep an eye out for pickpockets at the fair.(遵照指示, 警察在展览会期间警戒小偷。)
【典型范例1 】 I‘ve just put my washing out to dry, would you please keep an eye out for rain and bring it in if necessary.
【典型范例2】 Keep an eye out for anyone selling tickets.
【句型出处 】I’ll keep an eye out.(我会注意的。)
3. 【 语意表述 】某人必须要进一步了解某事或某人。
【句型模板 】Somebody has to know more about something or something.
【指点迷津 】此句型用到know about来表示“了解”的意思,在know的后面用more,表示“了解......的更多的东西”。Have to的意思是“不得不”。例如:
“Maybe you know more about it than I do,” said the ogre‘s wife.“也许你比我知道得更清楚吧。”妖婆回答说。
【 句型操练1 】I am sure you would like to know more about it.
【 句型操练2 】He wanted to know more about the lay off the land before investing.
【 句型出处 】I’d have to know more about the princess and the sea monster in question.(我要多了解下那位公主以及海怪。)