超搞笑儿童英文短剧:Pocket Money零花钱
The Pocket Money
Character: Reader, Salesman, Daddy, Maggie, Minnie, Policeman, Boy, Mummy.
Scene 1At Salesman’s Home
Reader: In a dark dirty house, there lives a small, dirty salesman. He always makes unhealthy candies and sells them to the students. But how does he make the candies? Oh,sh … He is coming.
Salesman: Hello! Do you know me? I’m the famous candy salesman. My candies are very popular. Now I am going to make my candies. (Sing: Making candy, making candy…) Oh, it doesn’t matter! Nobody can see! (Sing: Making candy, Making candy…) Haha, it doesn’t matter, nobody can see. Go on! Making candy, making candy…
小品剧本 http://www.diudou.com/juben/xiaopin/
Scene 2 At the School Gate
Reader: The next day, when the class is over. All the studentscome out happily and the salesman goes to the school gate as usual.
Salesman: Candies! Candies! Sweet candies! …
Maggie & Minnie take their schoolbags hands in hands walk out.
Maggie: Oh,Minnie! Look! Candies!
Minnie: Yeah! They looks so yummy yummy!
Maggie: Let’s go and see.
Minnie: OK!
Salesman: Hey, girls! Candies! Candies!
Maggie & Minnie: I want to eat!
Salesman: Do you have money?
Maggie & Minnie: Money? Oh, we have no money.
Salesman: Oh, no money no talk! Go away! Go! Go! Go!
Maggie & Minnie: Huh!
Minnie: Maggie, I want some candies. What can we do?
Maggie: Oh, I have a good idea. Let’s go home and ask daddy for money.
Minnie: Good. Let’s go~~~.
Scene 3At Maggie&Alice’s Home
Daddy is watching at the newspaper.
Maggie & Minnie: Daddy! Daddy!
Daddy: What’s the matter?
Maggie: Daddy, I want some money.
Daddy: For what?
Maggie: I want to buy the candy at the school gate.
Minnie: Yes! They look so delicious!
Daddy: They are unhealthy. I won’t give you money.
Maggie & Minnie: Daddy~~~
Daddy: No way. Please go and do your homework..
Minnie: What can we do now?
Maggie: Let me think.
Minnie: Yes.
Maggie & Minnie: Daddy! I want some money.
Daddy: No way. I won’t give you money to buy the dirty candy.
Maggie: Look, it’s broken.
Daddy: Oh?
Minnie: Here! It’s broken, too!
Daddy: OK! OK! For you!
Maggie & Minnie: Yeah!
Daddy: Remember! Don’t buy the candy!
Reader: Now, Maggie & Minnie have money, they come to the school gate and buy the candy.
Salesman: Candies, candies! Sweet candies!
Maggie & Minnie: How much?
Salesman: You two again? Go away! No money no talk!
Maggie: Is it enough?
Salesman: Wow! Money,money! OK! Good! Candies for you!
Maggie: Money for you.
Scene 4At Maggie&Alice’s home
Maggie & Minnie: A-yoo! A-yoo!
Mummy: What’s the matter?
Maggie & Minnie: I’ve got a stomachache.
Daddy: What did you eat?
Maggie & Minnie: Candies, A-yoo…
Daddy: Oh! You two cheated me? How dare you are.
Mummy: Hey! Stop! Please call 120!
Doctor 1: Where’s the patient?
Daddy: Over there!
Doctor 2: Are you OK?
Doctor 3: Don’t worry! Let’s go to the hospital.
Doctor 4: Hurry up.Beeboo,beeboo……
Reader: The next day……
Salesman: Candies,candies.
Boy: Money for you!
Scene 5 At the School Gate
Salesman: Candy for you!
Police man: Hey! You shoun’t stay here! Leave now!
Saleman: No. My candies are nice and popular here, And……
Maggie: You are telling a lie. They are very dirty and unhealthy.
Police man: What’s the matter?
Daddy: They’ve got a stomachache after having his candies.
Salesman: Really? But I don’t believe.
Boy: A-yoo! A-yoo! Your candy is killing me.
Daddy: See? His candies are unhealthy. Call 120! Beeboo,beeboo……
Police man: Mum, you must go to the Policestationwith me.
Salesman: Oh,no! Idon’t want to go to the Policestation. Help me!
Daddy: My dear. Remember don’t buy the unhealthy food next time. And you shouldn’t tell a lie to me. Try to be an honest person. OK?
Maggie & Minnie: Yes,sir!
第1幕 在小贩的家里
第2幕 在学校门口