5人英语剧本Growing Up - 小品剧本


5人英语剧本Growing Up


Boss A
Boss B
A factory worker
The student, Rick, always wasted his money and bought plenty of luxuries. But one day, he lost his wallet, and felt very worried . So he began to look for a job to earn his bread. After doing several hard jobs, he was frustrated, and therefore he understood earning money was really painstaking, and also understood cherishing what he had was extremely important.



Two students bring a lot of shopping bags, and run to the vender who sells drinks
Rick: (looking at Jack) The tea is tasted so great at this vender! Do you want to try it?

Jack: It sounds great! But I have already bought a lot today. (lifting up the bags) You see… So I have no money to buy anything else.
Rick: Come on! Don’t ruin my happy mood. Let me treat you! Excuse me, give me two drinks!
Vender: OK! Here you are. They are NT$60.
Rick: Hey! What smell is so great!? Let’s go to buy hamburgers.
Jack: …. (worried)



The alarm clock is ringing; Rick and Jack get up.

Jack: Good morning, Rick!
Rick: Hmmm… It’s time to eat breakfast. Let’s go!

Rick puts on his clothes and pants ,and wants to take out his wallet.

Rick: (very anxious) My wallet is disappeared! It should be in my pocket. Jack, do you see it?
Jack: No. It was still in your hand last night, wasn’t it?
Rick: Yes… But… I don’t know. Could you help me find it?
Maybe it is in the room.

Rick and Jack look for the wallet carefully in the room. But they don’t find anything.

Jack: I guess that you lost it at the night market.
Rick: Oh, my god! All my money is in the wallet. I can’t live without it!
Jack: You may talk the thing with your parents. They will give the money you need.
Rick: It’s not a good idea. My parents will kill me if I ask for money again.
Jack: And how about your bank account? You have some money there…
Rick: I spent them last week…
Jack: (surprised) So, you are broke now!
Rick: You are right…
Jack: Gosh…
Rick: Well… we go to class first… It will be solved. Ha ha ha…


Jack sits on the chair. Suddenly, Rick brings a lot of newspapers , and comes to Jack.

Jack: You say you have an answer to solve the problem?
Rick: It is easy, ok? Look at these. I can find a part-time job , and earn
back the money I need.
Jack: Are you sure it’s easy to get a job?
Rick: Take it easy! Who I am! I have already made a phone call to a boss who needs workers. As long as I do my best, the money will come back to my pocket.
Jack: I hope so…



All the workers are working hard. Rick enters.

Rick: (to a worker) Excuse me, where is the boss? I come here for a job interview.
Worker: He is over there.(points to the man who wears high rank uniform)
Rick: (walking to the boss) Excuse me.
Boss A: Yeah?
Rick: I’m here about the job you advertised in today’s paper.
Boss A: (looks him over) You look like a student. Our work is very hard. Are you sure to join us?
Rick: Hey! Don’t belittle students. I am full of energy! You don’t need to worry about me.
Boss A: I know. O.k. You can start to work. Good luck!

Rick thinks that it is easy to get a job. He looks a little cocky. But he starts the jobs like carrying heavy package. It’s very hard. Poor Rick looks a little tired.

Rick: (a little angry) What a hard work it is! To do this! And to do that! The boss treats me as a superman? Or hoax me!?

The man who is also a worker walks through the place where Rick is.

Worker: Hey! Chick! Why don’t you go home to drink milk?
Look, your stupid face… makes me angry… Get out of here!!
Rick: (unhappily) You are so rude!

Rick and the worker give each other a mad glance, they almost fight. But the boss looks at them and looks unhappily.

Boss A: (shouting) You two!! What the hell are you doing!!
Rick: It’s all his fault.
Boss A: Shut up! You should reflect back your behavior.
Rick: What!? It is so unfair! I…I quit now!

Rick takes off the working uniform and leaves away.



Rick and boss B talk about the work.

Boss B: Your job is to clean the shop. It’s very important. I hope you can do this carefully.
Rick: It’s sound very easy. No problem, my dear boss.

Rick starts his new work. He mops the floor , and then cleans the window. His action is very quickly. Soon, he finishes the work. When Rick takes a
rest, the boss comes in.

Rick: My dear boss, I have finished my job. You can take a look.

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