作家(即为导演):四十多岁中年男人 明星:三十多岁 青年:十七八岁 老妪:五六十岁 船长(即为水手):四十多岁
作家导演 嗨,老船长,什么时候开船?
明星 是啊,我们还有急事呐。
水手 不用急,总得到了点才可以开船吧。
作家导演 你说的点是什么概念?
水手 概念?这圈绳子绕完就到点了。
明星 我们已经等了一个多小时了,你到底什么时候才能绕完那绳子啊?我们……
作家导演 (忙制住明星话头,转向水手)嗨,船长,你慢慢绕啊,我们不急,女人嘛,耐不住性子。
水手 (继续绕绳子)海上人的规矩,不绕完绳子,就不能出海。
作家导演 (向明星)准备迟到吧,反正明星是应该迟到的。
明星 (笑笑)大概除了你,没人会把我当明星。
作家导演 要有自信嘛。自信是成功的第一步,再说,你演的我这部片子,不是很轰动吗?
明星 大家会对《死神的传说》感兴趣,也是因为你——鼎鼎大名的导演。
作家 待会记者招待会上你就知道了,其实别人最感兴趣的,还是你这个女主角呀。
青年 为伊消得人憔悴,唉^衣带渐宽终不悔 呵(自嘲)(小声自言自语,上了这艘船,有多远走多远吧……)
水手 嗨,你瞎跑什么船马上就要开了!(拉青年)快下去,快下去。
青年 (推开水手)别——别挡我!(冲至船边,就要向下跳)
水手 (忙拉住青年)嗨,嗨,你干嘛?(紧抱青年)那下面可是海!你喝糊涂了!
青年 放——放开我。(用力挣脱水手,瘫软倒地)
水手 看看,看看,这些年轻人,不会喝酒还喝这么多,三杯下肚,船和海都分不清了。(看着处于昏迷状态的青年,无奈地推推他)哎,你醒醒,醒醒!
青年 (无力地被抓住,耸拉着脑袋)老板~不好意思(带哭状)再给我一瓶……
水手 嘿嘿嘿~小伙子(着急,想把青年摇醒)我这船就要开了,快,快下船去!(青年不动)
作家 我说这位船长先生啊,就别管他了,我们真赶时间,他的船票我付了,开船吧!
水手 (无奈,拿一件衣服披在青年身上,边说,便往船舱走)行,反正我们做小本生意的,老板你说怎样就是怎样,反正我把你们渡到那边的岛上就回来了。
作家 (倚在船舱们)喂,船长先生,你干这一行几年了?
水手 (目视前方,看着海面,眼里若有闪烁)有年头了。水上人,没记性,说不准。
作家 有家小没有?
水手 有,老婆蛮好,小孩也蛮好。
作家 就不想换个营生?比如,做做生意?
水手 水上人,有份活计糊口就不错了,咱不想那个。
老妪 你不怕起雾?
作家 (愣了一下,转身看了老妪一眼,有点紧张)怎么是她?
明星 (略带奇怪的搭话)你认识她?
作家 (故作镇定)前两天我去找你的时候看到她在算命,一时心血来潮也去凑热闹,却被她讲了一大堆鬼话,说什么死神就在我身边啦,什么要宁心静气才能避开死神啦,要不是我胆子大,还真被她吓着了。
明星 (开玩笑地)她说得没错啊,我不就是死神的化身吗?是我演了《死神的传说》里那个冷艳的死神——穿越黑夜与白昼,身后的斗篷张开如魔鬼的翅膀,悄然降临。
作家 你当然不是死神,你是我的爱人,而且——(狡黠的笑)
水手 (打断)老婆婆经常在这往返的船上,她的命一向算得很准!
明星 (有点扫兴,转向作家)想不到,你对他们也感兴趣。
作家 《死神的传说》这种戏在国内拿奖还行,可到了国际上,那就得靠写这些了,也只有这种人的生活老外才爱看。我的下部戏也许就要写写这些海上人家了,到时候,女主角少不了你的。只要你好好演,也许我们就会成为第二个张艺谋和巩俐。
明星 人家最后可是和妻子离婚了,你呢?
作家 我——
明星 (打断,故意作弄作家)可~你就不怕我在记者招待会上把这事捅出去?
作家 (紧张)你——!
明星 (幽怨地)你真的以为我会啊?再怎么说,我能当上明星也全靠了你,要怪,也只能怪我命苦。
青年 (一直望着海发呆)我,我真的对不起……(哭腔,爬到船舷上,擦擦眼)大海啊,我来了!
水手 (忙拉住他)嘿,你干嘛?想寻死啊!
青年 你们——你们干什么?干嘛拉我?(有点清醒)我——我怎么跑这船上来了?这是谁的衣服?
水手 嘿,小伙子,你是要故意寻死啊。
青年 死?是,我是要死,我想死那是我的事!活着难,死怎么也这么难!(把手中酒瓶砸了出去)
明星 (敏感,听到声音)什么东西碎了?
水手 (听到声音,回过神,着急)嘿,小伙子,你把我的罗盘砸碎了!
作家 罗盘?
水手 不成,我们得回去。(想转向)
明星 (看表,着急地向作家)哎呀,真的来不及了,我们会得罪那帮记者老爷的。
作家 水手,没罗盘,我们能到海峡那边吗?
水手 如果天气好——
作家 现在天气不好吗?我说水手,我们有急事,你明白吗?我们要去参加一个记者招待会!记者,就是那种在报纸上写文章的人,他们说你好,你就好得跟朵花儿似的,他们说你臭,你就臭得跟那——跟那肥料一样!总之,这些人我们得罪不起呀,所有人都在那等我们啊,再说,这条线你都跑了这么多年了。
水手 要说就这么过去,我倒是有这个把握,但是万一起了雾,看不见方向,这船会开到海里去的!那——我可不想冒这个险。
作家 这天,会起雾吗?
水手 看样子不会。
作家 那你就继续开!
水手 海上的事,可说不准,万一……
作家 (打断水手)我加你钱,一倍!
水手 可是——
作家 (不耐烦,打断水手)好了好了,你这都开了半天了,再回去?你也太小心了。好,万一出什么事,我负责!好不好?你继续开吧!
水手 ——好吧。(继续开船,向青年)嘿,小伙子,你这么年轻壮实,寻什么死?为女人?
青年 是啊——是位女孩子……一个又聪明又漂亮的女孩子!
水手 嘿,女人就女人!什么女孩子!
明星 (之前没话说,听到水手这样说,生气)他们都还是学生,当然都还是孩子。
水手 学生?那更不该乱找女人了!你们爹妈花那么多钱是让你们读书的!小小年纪找什么女人?
明星 (做在晒阳椅上对青年喊)可~这种人没文化,别理他。我告诉你,你其实也别太灰心,想开点!也许,这个女孩是考验你,也许,她是在担心你不是真的爱她!
水手 (觉得好笑)啥爱不爱的!大闺女!不是我说你,现在的社会就是给你们这帮人搞坏了!整天爱你啊,想你的!搞来搞去,搞得人家年纪轻轻就要寻死!
作家 (听不下去)你这是怎么说话的,船长同志?(转向明星)你和毛头小子瞎凑什么热闹?还不快想想怎么回答记者提问!
明星 怎么,你吃醋了?
作家 你——(转身不理)
明星 (起身转向青年,温柔地)我告诉你,你要打动女孩子的心,总得把自己的恒心表现给她看呀,比方说,你可以折一千只纸鹤!
水手 有那功夫还不如到我船上来做点零工,那女人是娶来持家过日子的!
明星 哎,我说你这个人怎么老是瞎掺和?
水手 怎么了?我说的都是大实话。
作家 丽红,你是怎么搞的,我说的话也不听?
明星 你这人怎么这样,老喜欢吼人?
青年 (不耐烦,大声打断)好了,你们让我安静一下!
老妪 (阴森森地)起雾了!
水手 糟了!(奔向船舷)
老妪 这,是难得一见的大雾啊。
作家 哎,水手,你怎么把船给停了?
水手 (坚决地)这雾太大了,我们不能再往前走了!
作家 为什么不能走?
水手 开船时我不是说了吗?这么大的雾,没有罗盘,辨不清方向,我们会开到海里去的。
作家 可这好端端的怎么会起雾?
水手 我怎么知道?(不知所措,蹲下)
老妪 因为这船上有死神。
作家 什么?
老妪 在这片海上,起这样的雾,说明这船上有死神的化身,他想趁着雾把人带到死亡之国去。
作家 (擦擦冷汗)无稽之谈!这种鬼话谁会信!
明星 (似乎想起了什么,紧张地)可是我也听过这个传说。据说除非死神走了,否则,雾是不会散的。
作家 (转向明星)那你说这船上有死神喽!(明星不知如何回答)
青年 这船怎么还在走?
水手 这船虽然停了,可海底的洋流是不会停的,它还会推着我们向前走的。
青年 它好像越来越快了!
水手 没错,这船越来越快了,一进了大洋,这船就是不让风浪拍碎,我们也会迷失方向,活活地饿死,渴死。(转向老妪)老太太,您岁数最大,您——您遇过的事也最多,我们——怎么办?
作家 (生气地)水——手——!你不是开了几十年的船了吗?
水手 我只是把人从陆上渡到海那边的大岛上,再把船开回来,同样的路,过去,再过来,我是开了几十年,可是为什么?为什么今天会起雾?为什么今天罗盘会碎?为什么?(想不通)这条路还是老路呀!
明星 (神经质地)死神好像就是驾一条船,撑一支篙,渡人过冥河,然后——
作家 (打断)别说了!(对老妪)你在骇人听闻,你迷信,你——
水手 (打断)不,不,不,我从小就听过这个故事,可是为什么这事偏叫我碰上,我可没造过孽呀!
青年 那这船上,谁会是死神?(静场,所有人都看着他)不,不,为什么都看着我?是我敲碎了罗盘,可我并不是有意的啊!(众人沉默)为什么?为什么你们都不说说话!你们真的以为我是死神吗?说呀!(众人沉默,青年苦笑)也许——也许死神真的附在我身上,让我什么都不砸,光砸罗盘?我——是死神?是啊!我不是一开始就说要死吗?现在怎么又害怕了?也许,我跳下海去,就可以把死神带走!(转身跳下海)
水手 (没来得及抓住他)小伙子,别!(去拿绳子,明星主动上前帮忙,水手将绳子递给作家)这小子,怎么说跳就跳!(向明星、作家)我下去了,待会我在下面拽绳子,你就把我拉上来!(跳下船,明星、作家同时看向水中)
老妪 死神不在,雾就会散!
明星 (突然看到绳子落水,不明白地看着作家)你干什么?
作家 我在救自己。
明星 (突然明白,不可思议,生气)可是你在杀人!
作家 你没听她说吗?只有死神——
明星 (激动地打断)你不是不信吗?
作家 可这是真的,你叫我怎么办!(故作镇定)我不想死,我想活下去!
明星 那你也不该杀人呀!
作家 那青年,他是自己想死!
明星 那水手呢?他是个好人呀!
作家 他……他是自己跳下海的!再说,是他带我们出海的!
明星 你……你……没想到,原来你是这种人!
作家 (试图说服明星,拉近明星)理智点,一个作家的作用总比一个水手大吧!
明星 (生气,摆脱作家)那一个作家的作用是不是也比一个明星大呢?
老妪 雾还是不散,雾还是不散。
明星 你,你干什么?
作家 (逼近明星)雾还是不散。
明星 你以为我是死神?你疯了!你——
作家 (打断)你难道不是?
明星 (委屈,害怕)不,我不是,我是你的爱人!
作家 (失去理智)爱人?一个一句话就可以毁掉我前途的爱人?
明星 (更加害怕,大声地)不要过来!你吓死我了!
作家 (被明星强烈的反应所惊醒)真奇怪,我居然会相信这老太婆的话?
明星 可水手已经死了,没人会开船了!
作家 码头上的人等不到渡船,他们会来找的,但要发现我们,得等到雾散,雾散——为什么!为什么雾还是不散!
老妪 死神还在这船上。
明星 你离我远点!我害怕!
作家 (一步一步逼近)你怕什么?你演过死神,一个冷艳的死神,死神喜欢自己有一个艳丽的外表,你是死神,一定是你!
明星 不!我不是!这个剧本是你写的,是你让我演的,我不是!
作家 (表情狰狞)你是!再说,你能和我一块获救吗?你不是不想跟我了吗?也许你会告发我,你会毁了我!
明星 (乞求,极度害怕,浑身颤抖)我不会,我发誓我不会!
作家 (疯狂到极点)你撒谎,你是死神,你要让我在精神上死亡!
明星 啊——
老妪 船上只有两个人了。
作家 (神经质)我干了些什么?
老妪 雾更浓了。
作家 我干了些什么?我杀了人?(转向老妪)你说死神走了雾就会散的,那就是说死神还在这船上?
老妪 船上只有两个人了!
作家 船上——只有两个人了。(疾步走向老妪)只有两个人了。
老妪 (抬头看着作家)你——
作家 (不敢正视老妪,害怕)不是我!当然是你!是你说了什么死神的传说,是你害我杀了人,你是可怕的死神!
作家 (看向白茫茫的雾,表情失控)死神走了,天该晴了,雾该散了!哈!哈哈!可雾还是不散?难道说,我是死神?是,不是我写了《死神的传说》吗?不,不可能……那雾为什么还不散?难道根本没有死神?这只是个传说?不,我听信了一个老太婆的话,我亲手杀了三个人,我还杀了明星,我是杀人凶手?不,我宁可我就是死神!
作家 那么,我是死神!(精神彻底崩溃,一种激烈的情绪刺激着他,他全身颤抖着,从口袋中掏出药来,挣扎着想服下去,手一抖,药瓶滚落在地上,作家身体不支倒地,伸手去够药瓶,却在够到前死去。)
电台 据本台消息,今日凌晨,本地沿海发现一条因大雾迷航的越海渡船,船上乘客及水手共计五人,除一人音心脏病死亡外,其余四人均跳海自救成功。
The Ghost Ship
Director Hey captain,when will you start the ship
Star Right, we have an emergency.
Sailor: I said I will sail as soon as I finish rounding the rope. Sailor: You should have a little more patience.
Star: We have waited for an hour. When can you finish winding rope? We……
Director (to the star, with a joking tone)never mind it, my dear. you ought to be late for it ,for a star should always be late.
Star : It besides you, no one will treat me as a star.
Director Hey you should be confident. Confidence is the first step of the success, right? On the other hand, you have become much more popular since my film was on, haven’t you?
Star: People will be interested in "the legend of the ghost ", is all because of you - - a great reputation director.
Director As soon as you get to the press conference you will understand what people most interested in, is always that you are the leading actress.
A young man rush to the ship holding a bottle
Young man “I am rather for her only distressed as I did, the dress takes to loosen gradually and I am more and more emaciated, No regretful plying at all,”
Sailor: Would you please get out? Do you heard me?
Young man (Push open the sailor)Out of my way!
Sailor: Hey! What are you doing? There’s the wild sea, young man, be careful!
Young man Let me go!(Struggling the Obstruction,fall on deck)
Director Captain just take him with us, since we have no time to waste, I’ll pay the passenger for him later.
Sailor: Time to set sail.
Director (relying on the door)hey captain, how do you feel about today’s weather? We will soon get to that shore, right?
Sailor: everything will be fine as long as no fog
Director How could that possible to be foggy? Captain, how long have you kept the job?
Sailor few decades I guess.
Director Have you married?
Sailor Yes I have. My families are all fine
Director En, it is very hard to work on the ship, don’t you want to change your work?
Sailor: well, you know, it’s much harder to find another job now. I think having a sable job is good enough.
Don’t you afraid of the fog?
Director (seems to be shocked and nervous, and have a look at the old lady) It’ can’t be her!
Sailor: She is always in the ship.
Star: Do you know her?
Director (Pretends to be calm) last time I went for you, I met her doing fortune-telling, I was curious at that time so I asked her to do for it me. But she said a lot of unlucky things. For example, something like “the ghost surrounds you, you should be calm to avoid the death…” I would truly be scared of it if I am not brave enough.
Star : (with a kidding tone)She was right, I am the ghost ,am not I? I acted in " the legend of the ghost " the dark death through night and day, behind the cloak open as devil wings come quietly.
Director Of course you are not the ghost, you are my lover, and-----
Sailor: The old woman always says very accurate. You had better listen to what she says.
Star: I’ve never know that you are interested in this kind of person.
Director "Legend of ghost" this show also winning the prize in the domestic lines can be made to the international arena; it must be written some scene as here, only the foreigners before the lives of people like to watch. I might be on the lower part of the game to write about these sea people, and that time, I will sure to ask you to perform the leading actress. As long as you have a good play, perhaps we will become the second director Zhang Yi mou and Gong Li.
Star: But he divorced with his wife at last, what’s about you?
Director I----
Star: You are not afraid of my speaking out our relationship at the press conference?
Director (Nervous) how could you do this!
Star (with a kidding tone) Do you really think I would? No matter how to say, I can be a star depended on you, is to blame, can only blame myself.
Young man (Look at the sea for a long time .)You! You leave me! I don’t need myself either!(Climb to the railings.)Sea, I’m coming!
sailor (drags the young man back)Hey! What are you going to do? Are you going to die?!
Young man What are you doing? Let me go!
Sailor: If you want to die, Just don't do such stupid work in my ship!You see, this is the sea! You really want to die?
Young man Yes, I want to die! It’s none of your bossiness. Living is difficult, but I don’t get it, why it’s even more difficult than living! (throws his bottle out suddenly)
Star (shocked) What is broken?
Sailor: You broke my compass!
Sailor we have to turn back!
Director You shouldn’t stop the ship you really shouldn’t! We are in hurry---hey listen to me!
Sailor: How could we do if it was foggy? Without the compass, we will lose the direction,We will Sink!
Star : Oh, it 's too late, we'll offend the group of Journalists。
Director How could it be possible to be fog? (interrupts the sailor)I add you money, double!
Sailor: It's not about the money! I can’t ensure of it. That’s the duty about the Personal safety.
Director How about three times?
Sailor: you…OK fine.(sighing)
Director Hey young man, I am still confusing why you are insist killing yourself just for a lady.
Young man Yeah…she is a pretty girl!
Sailor Not girl, is woman
Star : He seems to be a student. She should be a girl.
Director A student? Then he ought not to go for women even more! So much money that you get from your parents should be spend on study rather than finding girls!
Star : You always talk about others. But what about you?
I tell you, young man. You shouldn’t lose heart, cheer up! Perhaps, this girl is testing you. Perhaps, she is worried that you don't really love her!
Sailor: Actually, I don’t mean to blame it on you. just because of such person like you in this society, people are influenced. Look, so many people are getting suicide just because you guys fabricate so many unreal fantasy like romantic stories.
Director How could you say that, sailor? (turns to the star) if you are available you should think more about the press conference ,but not chatting with such kind of people.
Star : What’s up, are you jealous?
Director You---
Star : Boy, let me give you some suggestion. If you want to impress the girls heart, you should show your perseverance to her, for example, you can present one thousand paper cranes or roses! She must be touched.
sailor Why not be Realism? What about coming working in my ship? it do more good to you.
Star : Hey, why you always like to cut in?
Director Li hong, do not care about them ok?
Star : Sailor, why are you always like shouting at others?
Young man stop annoying!
Old lady Behold, here comes the fog……
Sailor: oh gosh!(stop the ship)
Director How could you stop the ship?
Old lady Such a heavy fog is so unusual that you can only see it for once in a century.
Sailor: The fog is coming! It’s Too dangerous ! We can't go farther any more!
Director How could it be foggy? It was sunny just now! You told me that’s not going to be foggy, didn’t you?
Sailor: I just said…mybe… Perhaps...not gonna be foggy. How do I know this!
Old lady Because the Death is just beside us.
Director What? (nervous)
Old lady The unusual heavy fog, just show up on this part of the sea…It’s the sign of death which means the King of Terrors want to take your lives away!
Director (Wiping sweat) Ridiculous! Who would believe you?
Statr : But I also heard of the legend. It’s said that unless the death go, otherwise, the fog will not go.
Director (turns to the star)so you mean that there is a ghost on the ship?
Star No, I just heard of it...
Young man The ship keeps going!
Sailor: I did stop the ship. But the ocean currents will push us continue floating forward.
Young man It seems getting faster!
Sailor: The ship is sailing faster and faster. We would sink into the sea. Or maybe We will die of thirst or hunger! Old woman,You are the oldest here. You have to think of a way to help us.
Director Hey sailor! Haven’t you been working at sea for few decades? That should be nothing to...
Sailor I don’t know why...
Star : Death seems like boating with a pole, taking people through the Styx, and then --
Director (drag the star back)shut up!(to the old lady)you are scaring us, you---
Sailor: no!no!I also heard the story before. But why it happens to me?
Young man Why are you looking at me? Why do you keep silence? I broke the compass, but…put it back…with the glue. (Try to make the peaces together again, but failed) I can’t…… No , no ,no ,so I’m the ghost, I AM THE GHOST! If I jump into the sea now, the ghost will leave? So let me have try, jump then take the ghost away! (jump into the sea)
Sailor: He is too impulse! I’m now going to save him. Pull me up as soon as I drag the rope.
Old lady The fog may be gone with the Death.
(The director relieve his holding rope suddenly)
Star : What are you doing?
Director I‘m trying to save myself of course.
Star : But you killed them.
Director Didn’t you hear that? Only after the ghost---
Star: But you just said you don’t believe that, didn’t you?
Director But this is real! Tell me what am I gonna do! I DON’T want to die I want to live!
Star : So, that’s why you did it?
Director The young man always wants to kill himself, so it’s not my fault!
Star : What’s about the sailor? He is a good guy!
Director He jumped by himself! On the other hand, It is him that bring us here!
Star : You... ... You... ...I’ve never realize you are such kind of a person!
Director (Trying to persuade the star) Clam down! A director should always be more useful than a sailor, isn’t it?
Star : Is the director more important than a star ?
Old lady The fog is growing heavier and heavier.
Star : What……what are you doing?
Director (Approaching to the star) Still be foggy.
Star : Are you Suspecting me as the ghost? You're going crazy! You - -
Director (Interrupts) Aren’t you?
Star : No, I am truly not, I am your lover!
Director (Nearly get crazy) lover? You mean the one who says a word may destroy my future is my lover?
Star : Be sober! I’m Lihong!
Director (Shocked by the star)I,I just believe what the old woman say ! what happen to me!
Star : The sailor was died, no one can sail out the ship !
Director No! No! People will come to find us if, ok? but, why the fog is still here?!
Star : You stay away from me! I'm scared!
Director (Approaching to the star step by step)What are you afraid of? you have played the ghost, a beautiful ghost, you must be the death! It must be you!
Star : No. I am not! You wrote the Script, and you offered me the role, I am not the death!
Director (With a horrible expression) it must be you! You are planning to destroy me all the time! You are the death! you will destroy me!
Star : No, I will not ,I promise, trust me please!
Director (Going crazy)you are such a liar! You are the ghost, stay away from me!
Star : Ah---
(The director pushes the star into the sea)
Old lady Only two still remain on this ship.
Director What have I done!?
Old lady The fog is growing heavier and heavier.
Director What have I DONE? Did I just kill someone?!(Turns to the old lady) you told me the fog will leave once the ghost has gone, --- so, so is the ghost still here? There are---- only two people. Me and you.
Old lady You…
Director (Afraid)Of course it can’t be me! It must be you! You told me about the legend of the ghost, you made me kill people! you are the frightened ghost!
(the old lady walk near the Railing and suddenly jump to the sea)
Director (Watching the fog) the death has gone, the sky should be clear, the fog should leave! Ha-ha!!! But…but why the fog does not leave? Could it be that I am the ghost? No ,it mustn’t be! It was just a legend! But…I believed in an old lady’s word, I had just killed three people, even my lover! I am the killer? NO, no! I rather be the ghost!
Everyone is saying “You are that ghost!”
Director So, I am the ghost!
(laying on the floor dying of the heart attack)Radio according to our station news, early this morning, a ferrying ship that lost its direction for the foggy weather was found in Local coastal. Passengers and crew on board are in a total of five, In addition to one death due to heart disease, The remaining four jumped into the sea to help themselves survive.