Mrs. Bennet had three unmarried daughter, Jane, Elizabeth, and Lydia. They all had different personalities.Jane was very tender and elegant, Elizabeth was very intelligent, Lydia was very active. the story began when Mr. Bingley moved to the Neitherfield. He and his friend, Darcy, were handsome and rich. Mrs. Bennet was ambitious to find a man who could suit her daughter. At a party, Bingly and Jane fell in love, but Darcy and Elizabeth did’t. What happened to them? The answer was Wickham. What did Wickham do to them? At last Lydia eloped with Wickham. Would they come back? Would Darcy and Elizabeth fall in love.
Scene I
Bingley: Mr. Darcy, welcome to the party.
Darcy: Thank you Mr. Bingley. As soon as I received your invitation, I’ve taken a train all the way from hometown to here. So, is the party held for some particular reason?
Bingley: Not really, (dragging Darcy aside) I hold this party chiefly because of you and me.
Darcy: How’s that?
Bingley: Well, Mr. Darcy. As you can see. You and I are reaching the mating season, and...
Darcy: Good God, mating season, Mr. Bingley. What are you talking about?
Bingley: I’m kidding, Mr. Darcy. Anyway, it’s true that we are old enough to get married. So, I hold the party so that we have the chance to know more girls. Come, let me introduce you some of the ladies.
Mrs. Bennet: Elizabeth, Jane, and Lydia! I have heard that Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy are very rich men. Seize the chance to be their women and you shall be happy for the rest of your life. This is your chance, girls.
Lydia: But they’ve got two men. And we’ve got three girls. How can three girls and two men have a date?
Mrs. Bannet: Stop worrying about that, silly girl. There is one behind him. Did you see that? That guy is Wickham. He is a soldier and they say he is as rich as the other two. So you girls, get ready.
Lydia: Who do you think is more good-looking?.
Jane: I don’t know; I think they are all handsome to me.
Elizabeth: Don’t ask me. I am just too nervous to think of anything.
Bingley: Hi, Mrs. Bannet. Hi, girls. I’d like to introduce a very good friend of mine, Mr. Darcy. Mr. Darcy, this is Mrs. Bannet. This is Jane, Elizabeth and Lydia.
Darcy: Good day, ladies.
Elizabeth: Hi good day.
Jane: Hi good day.
Lydia: Hi good day.
Bingley: Darcy, look around you. There are so many extremely pretty girls in the room. I have never seen so many pretty girls in my life. Go, dance with them.It will become an unforgettable experience.
Darcy: She is tolerable, I suppose, but not really beautiful enough to tempt me. I don’t want to pay attention to the ladies no other man wants. Go, dance with your girls.
Elizabeth: What a proud man he is.
Mrs. Bennet: Mr. Darcy is such a horrible, disagreeable man, and not at all worth pleasing. He was so rude and proud. He walked here and there, thinking himself very great. He thinks my Elizabeth is not pretty enough to dance with him. How could he say so?
Elizabeth: Anyway, I don’t like him at all.
(Darcy walked by Wicknam ,showing his great contempt for him.)
Wickham: Miss, may I ask you if I have the honor to introduce myself?
Elizabeth: Yes, please.
Wickham: My name is Wickliam. It’s my pleasure to be here with you. Shall I offer a remark on the weather?
Elizabeth: If you can make it fit for a young lady’s ears. Honestly speaking, I want to know if you know Mr. Darcy well? Because ........
Wickham: Yes, indeed., I have known Mr. Darcy’s family all my life. Do you know Mr. Darcy well yourself may I ask?
Elizabeth: I find him very disagreeable. I don’t like the way he walks and talks. I find him bad tempered and proud.
Wickham: I should not give my opinion of him. I have known him too well and too long. But I can’t pretend to be sorry that you do not like him. His behavior towards me has been most unfair in the past. Even though his father was always very good to me. His father wanted to leave me some money when he died, but this Mr. Darcy, his son, made sure that the money did not all come to me. And his father’s wishes were never put in writing, so I have had to join the army to survive. It’s very sad but I cannot think well of Mr. Darcy.
Elizabeth: I am surprised that Mr. Darcy’s pride has not made him behave more fairly to you.
Wickham: It’s surprising, for pride is the reason behind most of the actions. He is really good at pretending to be a generous person sometimes. But believe me, his pride has made him an intolerable man.
Elizabeth: I am ashamed at his friendship with Mr. Bingley, who seems a sweet-tempered, charming man. Bingley can not know what Mr. Darcy is .1 am glad that you can relate Darcy’s pride to me. Now I know he is such an arrogant, abominable man.
Scene II In the Bannet Garden
Darcy: Hey, Elizabeth.
Elizabeth: Hello, Mr. Darcy
Darcy: I’d like to have a few words with you. Can I talk to you?
Elizabeth: What is it, Mr. Darcy?
Darcy: In private, please .1 have struggled in vain against my feelings. You must allow me to tell you how much I admire and love you. You know, since I saw you, I have found you so attractive. And I find I like you so much.
Elizabeth: Why didn’t you tell me at that time?
Darcy: :I didn’t tell you because I didn’t have the courage to do so. Please, Elizabeth, I find I love you so, and I can’t help it.
Elizabeth: Are you proposing to me?
Darcy: Yes, Elizabeth. I am asking you to marry me.
Elizabeth: Well. If I could feel any gratitude, I would thank you. But I can’t. I didn’t ask for your love and you certainly don’t have to give it. I am sorry if I have caused you pain. But I hope and believe it won’t last long.
Darcy: So, this is your answer! My proposal has been turned down. I would like to know why you’re refusing me so rudely?
Elizabeth: I might also ask you why took the trouble to tell me that it is so much against your will power, your reason and your character to like me, in spite of my family’s low position. You know I have. Do you think anything would tempt me to accept a man who had ruined his best friend?
Darcy: What do you mean by my best friend?
Elizabeth: Wicknam, of course. When Mr. Wicknam told me about your evil behavior towards him, I know what kind of person you are. How do you explain your evil deeds toward Mr. Wicknam?
Darcy: You sound very interested in Wicknam.
Elizabeth: No one who knows his misfortune could help being interested in him.
Darcy: His misfortune!
Elizabeth: It’s you who made Mr. Wicknam poor. You did it, and you treat the subject with scorn.
Darcy: So, this is your opinion of me. Thank you for explaining me so fully. You’ve said quite enough, madam, I understand your feeling perfectly. Forgive me for taking up so much of your time, and accept my best wishes for your health and happiness.
SCENE II ~ Bannet’s House
Aside: Elizabeth declined Mr. Darcy’s proposal. Several days passed. (Elizabeth walked out to see Jane and Mrs. Bennet strolling back and forth.)
Jane: Elizabeth!
Elizabeth: Jane! What happened?
Jane: It’s poor little Lydia. She’s eloped away with Mr. Wickham.
Elizabeth: Mr. Wicknam!?
Jane: And.. .They are not married!
Elizabeth: Not married?
Jane: And we can’t find them anywhere.
Mrs. Bennet: Oh! Beware of officers, I have kept on telling her! They’re fickle and unprincipled! Oh! My little Lydia!!
Elizabeth: Mama...
Mrs. Bennet: Elizabeth Oh! Elizabeth! You don’t know how I have suffered! Such... Such spasms, such palpitations, such... fragileness! Find your sister!
Elizabeth: Yes, Yes, Mama. I know. Oh! Jane, what should we do?
Jane: Oh! Aunt Philips said that it seems they’re hiding somewhere in London. And Father has gone to look for them.
Servant: Miss Elizabeth. Mr. Darcy just called.
Elizabeth: Mr. Darcy!!
Mrs. Bannet: Oho, that odious man! You are not going to see him, Elizabeth!
Jane: Oh! Mama! Don’t say that!
Elizabeth: Mr. Darcy, what brings you here?
Darcy: Fear no alarm, Madam. Afier what you said to me the other day, that chapter is definitely closed. And, bad news travels fast, Miss Bennet. I heard about George Wicknam and your sister. I felt it my duty to come at once.
Elizabeth: To try and fault us, I suppose.
Darcy: To offer you services. I told you the other day that Wickham was concerned. I chose to be silent.
Elizabeth: I remembered it.
Darcy: Yes, but what has happened to your sister has made me change my mind. (Draw a deep breath) George Wickham will never marry your sister, Miss Barmet. Her case wasn’t the first.
Elizabeth: What do you mean ?
Darcy: My own sister, Georgina. She has a large fortune in her own right. Wickham palmed to elope with her. By the mercy of Providence, I discovered the plot in time.
Elizabeth: Oh! My Goodness!
Darcy: But your sister has been unfortunate. May I ask if everything possible is being done to find her?
Elizabeth: My father has gone to London. He and my uncle are searching for her.
Darcy: I would be only too happy if I can help.
Elizabeth: Thank you very much. Mr. Darcy.
Mr. Darcy: I’m afraid that I’ve stayed too long. Good-bye.
SCENE IV Several days later In Bannet’s house
Elizabeth: Goodbye... Oh! I can’t believe it.
Jane: Elizabeth! Elizabeth! Come here!
Elizabeth: Yes, I’m here. What’s on your hand?
Jane: It is a letter from our uncle. He has found Lydia!
Elizabeth: He’s found her? (Jane began to read)
Jane: Yes. We know that Wickham’s extravagant and he is a gambler, and we know that he is in debt.
Elizabeth: Oh! Oh! Mr. Darcy is right!
Jane: Mr. Darcy took upon himself the responsibility of agreeing to Wicknam-because Wickham asked for two hundred pounds a year during his lifetime, in order to pay the debt.
Elizabeth: He agreed to Wickham’s terms?
Jane: Well, he did.. .oh! How kind a person Mr. Darcy is!
Elizabeth: Oh! Mr.Darcy.. will he never come back? That chapter is closed...
Jane: Elizabeth? What are you talking about?
Elizabeth: Oh! Jane.. .you don’t know what happened! Something so extraordinary! So unbelievable!
Jane: What?
Elizabeth: He asked me to marry him.
Jane: Oh! Mr. Darcy? What did you say to him?
Elizabeth: What did I say to him? What did I say to him? I said I hated him. I said I never wanted to see him again! But now, suddenly.. ...... .1 love him.
Jane: You love him?
Elizabeth: I’m so dreadfully unhappy! It is all my own stupid fault!
Jane: Oh! Elizabeth dearest (Jane sees Mr. Darcy standing out of the door.)
Elizabeth: Oh! How selfish I am.. It’s difficult to believe that I am so prejudiced...Mr. Darcy, I can no longer resist thanking you for your great kindness to my poor sister. Ever since I learned about it, I have been anxious to express my gratitude. Allow me to thank you again and again, in the name of all my family. Forgive me, I thought you were very proud and dislike you.
Darcy: Your family owes me no thanks. I had decided to look for your sister before I left. I confess, I thought only of you. My love and wishes have not changed. (Elizabeth was too embarrassed to say a word) You are too kind to hurt me. If your feelings for me are still what they were. Then please tell me at once. My feelings for you are unchanged, but one word from you will make me silent on this subject forever.
Elizabeth: All my prejudices against you had gradually disappeared since you wrote me the letter. I hope, we have both learned to be more polite.
Darcy: Oh! Dear! I can change the world for you, I would be sunlight in your universe.
The End